Octava 319-broken? Fixable?


New member
I bought this mic off ebay. When I plug it in I have to turn the volume on the amplifier I check mics with all the way up to just get barely audible sound. I tested the line and amp with a shure KSM32 and they are fine. Is there a fix for these mics or this mic possibly. Or should I try to get my money back or leave bad feedback.

Try and get your money back.

Oktava is notorious for absolutely horrendous QC. The guy probably bought a dud without testing it, and then tried to sell it off.

That's why I won't touch those things on Ebay, even if it is virtually the only way I could ever get any without spending a fortune.
Sounds like the mic is bad. Get your money back if you paid over $10 for it. It's hard to say if it's fixable - could be anything from a loose wire to a bad electronic component to a damaged capsule, but I'll give you $10 for it. :)