Octane or 002 or ???


New member
If I get the digi002r, then all I have to do is connect the firewire to my PC and intstall some software, right? It's all integrated nicely, right?

If I get the M-Audio octane, what else would I need, a soundcard?

I love protools, but if I get the Octane, which programs are similar to PT?

Are the A/D converters in the Octane the same crap prosumer quality as the digi002r?

Is there a setup that's as good or better than the digi002r and Octane that's in a similar pricerange?
well, you need to decide from the specs and from what you really need.
M-Audio Octace: $800 for 8 preamps
No software and it's not a soundcard. Similar programs to Pro Tools include of course the M-Powered Pro Tools (which would work with some of the M-audio hardware), Nuendo, Logic, and Cubase. Each will run you $500-1000 and have no hardware included. So you'll still need a hardware unit capable of 8 ins. Any of the M-Audio devices would work (Delta 1010: $500, M-Audio Firewire: $400-600).

Or you can go with the 002 rack for $1200. Software, 4 preamps, sound card, 18 inputs, all included (I think the M-Audio Octane will work with it also)

just search around. hope this helps