Observation Shure SM57, BETA 57, and Sennheiser e906.


New member
Just want to see if anyone concur. After hours of playing with my new E906 and apogee one I've noticed that on my big toys (4x12 cabs) the e906 likes to be really close to the amp while the sm57 likes to be backed off a little bit further while the beta57 sounds best backed up even further than the sm57. It seems like to me the sm57 is misunderstood these days where close micing is being taken WAY to literally. I see people ripping the grill off of their amp and placing an sm57 10mm from the center of the cone wondering why it sounds bad. Am I alone on this?:listeningmusic:
Yeah I don't get the whole shove it right in on the speaker thing as I think the prox effect on the 57 is to intense...

That said if you move the 57 to far away it seems like you lose some attack, which equally sucks.

Keeping the cab away from walls and corners seems to help with the first problem.

I would love to get a 906, I can't stand the 609 on guitars.
Yeah I don't get the whole shove it right in on the speaker thing as I think the prox effect on the 57 is to intense...

That said if you move the 57 to far away it seems like you lose some attack, which equally sucks.

Keeping the cab away from walls and corners seems to help with the first problem.

I would love to get a 906, I can't stand the 609 on guitars.

I never tried the 609 in recording I played a gig awhile ago where the sound guy miced us with the 609. Live it didn't sound bad. Is the 609 really that bad?
SM57 on the edge of the cone on a Marshall 1960 cab. I never put it right in the middle - too bright.
SM57 on the edge of the cone on a Marshall 1960 cab. I never put it right in the middle - too bright.

What kind of cab? I like it pretty close to center on my 1960AC but then again greenbacks and gt75s are very different animals.
Just want to see if anyone concur. After hours of playing with my new E906 and apogee one I've noticed that on my big toys (4x12 cabs) the e906 likes to be really close to the amp while the sm57 likes to be backed off a little bit further while the beta57 sounds best backed up even further than the sm57. ..
Do you mean differences in low end proximity lifts?
I can't speak about the 906 but the e609 really isn't that great for guitars. I use it as a kick drum mic and know several people who like to use it for toms.