Nylon Acoustic Guitar


New member
I named this after the guitar I played it on, "Alvarez"

I'm happy enough with the recording but would like some input about the writing. Is this good improv or just a big cliche'. Other comments are welcome. Like all of us, we would like to craft music that people will actually listen to or maybe even BUY. To that end I leave this.

I enjoyed listening to it!

When the song began to play... at first I thought......Mason Williams :confused:

It transcends Mason Williams.

It's good.

Trust your inner instincts!
The mix seems to lean slightly to the right side of the stereo spectrum. Very beautiful piece of music and the recording is great too...This would sell in the classical guitar/instrumental section of HMV... hope you find success in that regard! :)
I enjoyed listening to it!

When the song began to play... at first I thought......Mason Williams :confused:

It transcends Mason Williams.

It's good.

Trust your inner instincts!

Thanks a lot! The drum beat is the same as Classical Gas and the song is in Am, but I didn't use CG as the springboard. Did lift the beat though.
Thanks for the encouragement too.
Very nice piece. I forgot I was listening to "home recording" and just got lost in the music. I loved it...
Wow, really good.

I'm trying to find something bad to say. . .

cause that's my schtick. . .

uh. . .

. . . maybe, uh, the snare could be brighter. . . with less bottom mic?

really good.

Not an audio engineer
Wow, really good.

I'm trying to find something bad to say. . .

cause that's my schtick. . .

uh. . .

. . . maybe, uh, the snare could be brighter. . . with less bottom mic?

really good.

Not an audio engineer

Thanks a lot Scott! I appreciate it. Maybe I can do a post just so you can exersize your schtick. I have something in mind. Thanks again.
Very nice...my only negative would be the tssst tsst tsst drums. But I am a bit of a drum luddite if you know what I mean...so...sweet tones on the guitar. I liked that...and the tune is nice