NWR virgin...my first raw recording


New member
Ok, I'm diving in head first.

A little disclaimer: the music isn't mine. I can't play any instruments so I resort to ripping it. The music comes from Vietnamese songs. And you know how those dirty rotten pirates in Asia are. This might not even be original Vietnamese music either, but they don't give any disclaimers so let's say, I have no idea from where the music comes.

The lyrics are mine and the voice (tenor) is mine. No milli vanilli here (although i did like those songs).

My first song: "This Is Goodbye"
Recorded on:

Software: Sonar 2.0 XL

Hardware: Crate Pro Audio CSM12 mixer
SP C3 mic (in cardiod mode)

No effects added on purpose. I know the vocals are flat but I wanted to hear suggestions on how and when to add different effects. And yes, I know i need to fade out the sudden ending.

Genre: I dunno. It sounds like Lobo to me. Easy listening?


OK, be nice? thanks fellas.

I take the no responses as a "go back and practice some more on the song" ???

Come on fellas, help a noob out. Even if it sucks. Especially if...

It appears that your account at NoWhere has been disabled. Maybe because you posted something that you didn't write yourself and didn't get any permission to from the copyright owner(s)?
AlChuck said:
It appears that your account at NoWhere has been disabled. Maybe because you posted something that you didn't write yourself and didn't get any permission to from the copyright owner(s)?

