Nuendo 3


New member
I have been using Sonar 3 for 2 years and just made the move to Nuendo 3. I am having problems setting up the program with my Motu 828 MkII. Is anyone else running this combo? I cannot get the program to acknowledge my inputs from the Motu. Any input? NO PUN INTENDED!
I have. But when I go into the device connections and add 8 input buses (for the 8 analog ins) it pulls up the Motu guitar-mic, adat, and spdif inputs and the balance of them goe to my computers internal sound card. I would love to go back to the owners manual but I live in Lake County Ohio and we had a huge flood two weeks ago. And, of course, my manual was one of the items that I can no longer find. Funny, I had 10 thousand in water damage and the only thing I miss is that damn manual. Steinberg is giving me a hard time about getting a new manual because my software was just purchased the day before the flood. Piracy bs. I need help. I got a 1800 program and cant do shit with it.
when i first start a new project , i open up the device connections and mt soundblaster soundcard shows up as multimedia driverstereo in. left and right. i clicl add bus and add 8 inputs for the 8 ins from the motu. There are actually 10 but it doesnt matter. when it adds the inputs it shows:

ASIO multimedia driver stereo in
left and right are 1 and 2 Soundblaster Live Wave device

Stereo 2 in ASIO multimedia driver
left and right are 3 and 4 Soundblaster Live Wave device

Stereo 3 in ASIO multimedia driver
left and right are 5 and 6 Motu mic-guitar

Stereo 4 in ASIO multimedia driver
left and right are 7 and 8 Motu spdif

Stereo 5 in ASIO multimedia driver
left and right are 9 and 10 Motu adat

then it goes back to

Stereo 6 in ASIO multimedia driver
left and right are 1 and 2 Soundblaster Live Wave device

and it continues with the Soundblaster BS there on out

is anyone interested in giving me a call
Man did I get a#@ blasted by mother nature Help!!
Thats your problem. Choose the MOTU ASIO driver and you should be good. The SB should not show up at all.
Easy there. You obviously missed what I wrote previous to my last couple posts. My manual along with ten thousand dollars in other property was destroyed in a flood 2 weeks ago. But thanks for the expert advice.
Tfiore said:
I would love to go back to the owners manual but I live in Lake County Ohio and we had a huge flood two weeks ago. And, of course, my manual was one of the items that I can no longer find.
Not a problem. Make good friends with the Help menu. It is the entire manual in searchable and context sensitive format. Everything that's in the manual is in the Help menu. One of the best Help systems I've ever seen of any program.