Nuendo 3 - Previewing processes and effects?


New member
So I have tried using POD Farm to edit dry recorded signals, the thing is the "preview" button isn't exactly working, and it is pretty vital, as there are so many different tones to choose from and it's not practical at all to just do the process, wait for the editing time, listen to it, undo and repeat over and over till you find the sound that sounds best.
I randomly got it to work once, but unfortunately I don't remember what made the difference.

A few things I've noticed that might help you with helping me:
-The bar that monitors output volume in Nuendo IS active, up and running when I click preview. It's like, the preview is really going on, but I can't hear it.
-I can hear everything else in Nuendo just fine. As I said, if I go through with the process and click play, I will be able to hear it.

Any ideas?
Since it previews from the beginning of the audio event, there might be 10 or 20 seconds where the guitar isn't playing... That might be the whole problem.

Normally to audition, I use the amp sim as an insert on the channel instead of an offline process. That way, you can play the song and listen to the different tones in context instead of by itself. You can also change parameters while the guitar is playing instead of having to stop, change something and hit 'preview' again.

Doing it this way also leaves your DI track alone so you can change your mind later and still have the original DI track. Offline processing is a destructive process...

If you computer can't handle having a number of live amp sims going at once, you can freeze the tracks once you have worked out the sounds.
Nah, it's not that, the guitar part is playing alright, there's no silence. I'm not that silly. I've tried everything, but today just a bit after bumping my post I discovered the thing you mentioned! Inserting the amp simulations on the track. And it's even more handy than previewing. :) I wish I had known about this earlier, but I'm a big newbie when it comes to using recording software. Thanks a ton anyhow.