NT5 verdicts yet?


New member
Hi folks....I'm currently looking into buying a pair of mics for stereo micing acoustic guitars (both steel and classical). For this application I get the feeling from reading here and on other web sources that having a matched pair would really be the best way to go here. Getting the matched Oktava 012s is certainly worth consideration from what I've read here and elsewhere.

Anyway, Rode has the NT5 available, which is a matched set of SD condensors, for 300 bucks. This seems like a nice way to go for a matched set of condensors, but these things are new enough that I'm having a hard time finding much review info about them. I'm also wondering just how closely Rode matches them... (as well as the Oktavas are matched when sold as a matched pair?)

If anyone here has used the NT5s I'd love to hear what you think about them.

Also, if you've got other opinions on just how important having a matched set of SD condensors is for stereo micing guitars I'd like to hear from you as well. I want my recordings to be good, but I'm not targeting any professional markets. If it really isn't all that necessary to have them matched, then grabbing a pair of the Marshall 603s is REALLY sounding good, given the positive reviews and the very tasty price!

Rhythm - this is probably no use to you at all but I have NT5s as well as an NT2 (I'm Australian, and they're not hard to find over here!) and I'm still having huge issues with trying to record using microphones at all, but the one thing I can tell you is that I get a much better sound with the NT5s on steel string acoustic than I do with the NT2.

This is probably no surprise to anyone, as the prevailing wisdom is that SD is better than LD for acoustic guit.

I believe that, one day soon, I'll get a pretty good sound with them, but I think I need to address other parts of the recordin chain as well. I already get a good strumming sound, but am having real issues with fingerstyle, which is mainly what I do.

So, not much help to you really, I'm sure they're a fine set of mics for what you're going to pay for them, as soon as I crack how to do it, exactly, I'll let you know!

Recording fingerstyle acoustic guitar in your average home just ain't easy, I gotta tell you - still, it keeps me off the streets..


I bought the NT5s, and I'm extremely happy with them.
Mine have consecutive serial numbers, and seem to
be identical in sound. I think that Rode has done a good
job matching, at least in my case.

These mics are superb for stereo miking. They have
very low self-noise for small diaphragm mics.
Also, I would describe their character as neutral.
High frequencies, such the wacky transients off
of an acoustic guitar, sound smooth and realistic. These mics
are not hyped, and yet they seem to have no problem
reproducing the high frequencies. I'm guessing that
they would make excellent overheads.

At $300 for the pair, they are probably the best
matched SD condensers currently out there. I would
love to compare them with KM184s.
Thanks Armistice and Macartie for the responses. I'm not surprised to hear positive feedback on the NT5s...if I decide that I do in fact want a matched pair then that may be what I go with. I've been very curious about 'em and I probably can't go too wrong with 'em, right? I'm also trollin' for a couple of opinions on just how important going with a matched pair actually is; there are some great deals on non-matched mics out there (the 603 comes to mind). I'll probably post a new thread with that as the sole subject and see what happens.

Best of luck with the acoustic guitar recording....I'll be experimenting quite a bit myself with it over the next bunch of months (years.....)

NT 5 for Piano?

I'm looking...

Any thoughts about using the NT 5 set for micing a grand piano? It's a Kawai RX-2, basically a 6' grand. I'm contemplating spending some change and have limited experience with dynamic mics; next to none with condensers.

My basic approach would be to use an X-Y configuration with the elements pointing at each other, about 90 degrees, midway under the hood. The primary internet mic resources already clutter my favorites menu, but I'm looking for input from you folks.

The other use of the NT 5 would be for acoustic stringed instruments (well, my guitar and a mandolin) and for occasional distant choir micing. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Sounds like alot of good opinions here. I doubt you could go wrong for that kind of price as long as your not going to be using them on anything else.

Armistice - Not always will get you get a better sound using a small condenser than a large condenser on a acoustic guitar. AT4033s although not large condenser but now small either work great on them, leaving some people believing its one of the best mics for acoustic guitars. Ive also tried a SP C1 which is a large diaphragm and it sounds great on steal string, very crisp. But however, yes in general acoustic guitar usually sounds good with a small diaphragm, but its not so much that its a small diaphragm.

Macartie - Yah being small condenser it should sound quite natural and less hyped. But remember thats not always good. It should work great as overheads too.

Treeline - These mics should work good with piano, but i would recommend A/B stereo over X/Y with piano. X/Y in my opinion will give you too strong of a center making the mid notes sound stronger then the ones on the edge. A/B will give you much better placement options and should be smoother in pan as you go down the keys (known as phantom centering) as there wont really be a strong center but everything should sound the same on every key.

Thats all i gots ta say.

Matched pairs

Although there are situations like stereo recording of ensembles where it is important to have matched pairs, in regard to recording acoustic guitar it is not.
I regularly experiment with mics depending on the sound I want.
some combinations may be AT 4033 at bridge end facing downward at ear level with a cad E100 at the 12th fret. This sound great for hard strummed guit! other time i will use a pair of E100s close miced or C1000s depending on how "big" you want it to sound. Actually when you pan the guitar mics out to about 10:00 & 2:00 positions it sounds better (to me) to have the different sound of different mics, makes for a great stereo image!

I agree with TMIX..I just did a Flaminco session ..With a KSM44 at the "bridge" end about 12" out{players knee high} and a SM81 about 3' out at the "peg' end{a foot above the players head}...between the two diff. mics and position one filled the other very nicely..And for stuff that sits in a mix just one mic at the typical 12 fret position..YMMV...Good luck

Armistice said:
Rhythm - this is probably no use to you at all but I have NT5s as well as an NT2 (I'm Australian, and they're not hard to find over here!) and I'm still having huge issues with trying to record using microphones at all, but the one thing I can tell you is that I get a much better sound with the NT5s on steel string acoustic than I do with the NT2.

This is probably no surprise to anyone, as the prevailing wisdom is that SD is better than LD for acoustic guit.

I believe that, one day soon, I'll get a pretty good sound with them, but I think I need to address other parts of the recordin chain as well. I already get a good strumming sound, but am having real issues with fingerstyle, which is mainly what I do.

So, not much help to you really, I'm sure they're a fine set of mics for what you're going to pay for them, as soon as I crack how to do it, exactly, I'll let you know!

Recording fingerstyle acoustic guitar in your average home just ain't easy, I gotta tell you - still, it keeps me off the streets..



What other mics have you tried for fingerstyle? I'm trying to nail a good fingerstyle tone as well and haven't had much luck. I've used a SM57, BG4.1 SD condenser, and now I've recently tried a Cad LD condeser. Check out this thread I posted in the mp3 forum asking for mic placement advice.
