

New member
Has anyone got one of these yet or even seen them in a store?

When I picked up my NT1 on Thursday I saw some brochures for the NT3... I've got go back down there this week... I'll pick up a brochure and see what it says.
I remember reading something about it here
you should be able to find something with the search

I think it's a small diaphram condenser
Yeah I did a search - I know what it is... it's just that no one has one... maybe they haven't been released yet???
I just bought an NT3 today...don't buy another mic at this price until you first hear this! I usually try not to get that excited about mics, but I'm blown away! Directly a-b'ed this with an AKG C1000S, and I thought I was singing through a wool sock with the AKG...everyone may not agree, but I urge you to at least give this mic a listen!
All within earshot at the store almost gasped at the clarity, punchiness and overall timbre of this mic...I know, I know...I sound like a salesman (I'm not) believe me, there are other mics I like, but not at anywhere near this price point! (Very quiet as well)

Of course, your ears may vary,

Thank you bwindsor for that review. I'm looking for a pair of small condensor's- well at some point....

Finally we hear something about Rodent #3!
