NT2000 vs SP C3 in a M/S stereo setup


New member
I'd like to do some M/S stereo micing and I'm therefore checking up different figure-8 mics (also multi-pattern mics). I recently found out that RODE has a new mic out called NT2000. I also know that SP has its C3 mic (also a multi-pattern).

Is C3 comparable with NT2000? Which one would work best in a M/S setup?

Do you have other figure-8 mic suggestions? (In same price range)

NOTE: In Sweden, NT2000 costs about 25 % more than the C3.
I have absolutely no idea. And I'll donate $20 to the charity of the person's choice who can actually give a viable answer to this one, because my money says no one here is going to have a goddamn clue. :D
Gotta agree with Chess.......................that Rode has not been out long enough for anyone to form an opinion and it will probably be quite some time before sufficient genuine user comments will become available.......................then you have to find someone who also owns or has access to a C3.

ausrock said:
.......then you have to find someone who also owns or has access to a C3.

. . . and who also knows what M/S is. :D And happens to hang out on this board.

I gotta' hand it to you, though, for being so specific. Being able to ask specific, detailed questions will often get you the very answers you need. Just probably not in this particular case.
I'd vote for the C3. The NT2000's capsule is larger than officially specified. It's about 28 mm, so the membrane is 25% larger than on a normal 1" capsule. That helps to keep the noise floor down, but it also means that the off axis response is more colored. The pattern narrows at higher frequencies, and quite noticably so.

Since in a M/S situation the off axis response is what really counts (the mic isn't pointed at the source at all), I'd say that the NT2000 is not the best choice.

So, chessrock...
damn, that's some reply...i have to say the theory is right as far as i can see, but has anyone got hold of this new Rode for real?
Rossi said:
So, chessrock...

So . . . you're still merely throwing out theories based on specifications and brief listening tests, rather than actual experience with each of the mics in question in M/S configurations.

I'll still donate the $20 bucks, though, because your answer is a lot closer than I thought we'd get with it. :D Who shall I make the check out to?
The C-3 works fine as the figure 8 in an MS setup, I've done it, and used it in Blumlein as well. In spite of DJL's politics, it's a very good mic at its price point.-Richie
Chessrock, it wasn't just a brief listening test. I reviewed the NT2000 for a German magazine. I did thorough listening tests, and I took the mic completely apart, too. That's how I know the capsule is larger than 1". The Rode specs say one inch. The mic is very well built, btw.

I don't own a C3, but I do have a B1 and I know what Studio Projects mics sound like. I also know that they're not particularly prone to off axis coloration. I mean no more than your average LD.

How about Amnesty International?
Well, Rossi, I'm a card carying member, along with ACLU, NRA (life member), ASCAP, the Massachusetts Nurse's Association, and the Society for Creative Anachronism. And I agree with DJL- KSM44 is a lovely mic, alas, $600-$700. If you're looking for a versatile condenser, it's a good choice. I've used the C-3 extensively, and it's good for a lot of things. It's not a bad room mic. I confess I never found the sweet spot on an acoustic with it, but it's fine in the MS role as the figure 8. I upgraded to a C414, which does it better. Now the C-3 is mostly one of the "what will make this woman sound good" choices. And it often does. My sometimes partner Mo Fleming did a bunch of backing vocals for me on the current project, and the C-3 produced resulta that we kept. Sounded better than NTK, Kiwi, C414 on her voice. What the hell- it payed for itself on 2 keeper tracks. I used it for a hard rock satire, because I wanted the sound of a Chinese condenser!-Richie
Rossi said:
I don't own a C3, but I do have a B1 and I know what Studio Projects mics sound like. I also know that they're not particularly prone to off axis coloration. I mean no more than your average LD.

How about Amnesty International?

I still think you're pushing it, :D but like I said, it's better than I expected. $20 to Amnesty International it is.
Thanks a lot guys... I was going for the RODE mic, but not after Rossi's reply. I'll try out the C3 mic instead (it is also cheaper:-).

I also think KSM44 is a fine mic, but it is way too expensive.