novice question about noise in Sonar/MOTU 24i combo


New member
Hi, I have a lot of staticky click sounds when playing back anything that I've recorded lately in Sonar; when I export to .wav and play in media player, the sound isn't there; there is still white noise, but not the clicks. I am sorry to ask such a simple question, as I've run into this before, got it fixed but can't remember how, and I recently did an XP reinstall and had to reinstall Sonar and my MOTU as well, and now this is back. I thought that it may have been a coordination issue between the MOTU and Sonar ( I am also playing back thru SB Live and my speakers), but it has been a while. Any pointers or direction of where to go to find out would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dave.
follow up


I rechecked the musicxp tweaks, and set rates to 48kHz, aligned buffers at 256 in MOTU and Sonar, ran wave profiler, and recorded voice with a mic rather than using my acoustic preamp in case there were sound issues from that. no more white noise, but the crackling is present when exporting to .wav, not just in Sonar playback. it is most prominent when there is vocal amplitude, and there are no significantly audible glitches during silent sections of the track. please help.
I recently did an XP reinstall and had to reinstall Sonar and my MOTU as well, and now this is back.
Did you reinstall the same version of drivers you were using previously?
Newer drivers don't always work as well as previous versions.
okay, I followed up and then deleted my replies cause they were long and I just tried something,

I disabled the SB Live output driver, and plugged an output speaker into the phone jack of MOTU 24i, recorded, and got no clicks, it sounded nice.

yesterday, I plugged a mic into the SB Live, and recorded and played back thru that, and it sounded fine.

So, it appears that it could be a problem when using both the MOTU and the SB card?

why would this be?
if you have ideas and/or pointers for solutions, please let me know.

So, it appears that it could be a problem when using both the MOTU and the SB card?
It sounds like you've answered your own question.

There have been numerous threads about soundblaster conflicts.