Notice those wooden floors?


New member

I have always wondered, those BIG recording studio's control rooms have carpetted floor except for thepart where the console is, and also the area where the audio engineer sits. Some are raised, some are not.

Are these wooden floors placed for acoustic reasons? Arent wood reflective, and it will bounce things off from floor to ceiling and back?

Are the wood for hiding cables underneath?
Are these wood ANY type of wood, or do they need to be specific ones? ie. TEAK, OAK ..etc
Can we just slap on some pieces of thin wood looking stuffs from DIY stores (do you guys have IKEA?)

Please enlighten me. Thanks!!
Yes that's probably it Kelly - it became normal to put timber or cork around the work area because of chairs and most studios now seem to have gone the whole way and use full timber floors. They are also acoustically neutral (they only absorb lows like a panel absorber) whereas carpet absorbs high frequencies and leaves the lows and lo mids alone making it a big high absorber.
I've countered it with a broad band absorption ceiling.

Yes thirteen the timber should preferably be a hardwood, (lower resonate freq). We used Tasmanian Oak.
