notebook opinions


New member
I am currently a desktop PC user but now need to switch to a notebook for both live performance and recording. I agree with the majority of folks on this board that Mac is the way to go.

My delima is: a Powerbook starts about $300-500 more than a PC. Additionally, if I switch to Mac I need to purchase all new software, driving up the cost another few hundred.

In the long run, will I really be better off if I buy a low-end Powerbook vs. a midrange PC notebook.

Also, could an iBook do the job?

what software are you using?

Sometimes software is only made for mac or pc so be sure that you can get the stuff you need for mac. If you are used to pc and the software you have, that is an advantage already. no point in learning new stuff to do the same thing. You can pretty jacked up pc laptops these days. Mine is kindof old but it still could handle almost anything today. Like you siad, macs are also more expensive you may have to sacrifice some power to compensate for the higher prices.
I guess my point is that either system will do what you want, but if it were me i woud go pc. They are cheapter and you already know how to use em.
I'm using sonar2 and sometimes ableton live and propellerhead.

I'm leaning towards PC, but thought I'd get some more opinions first.
dctoms said:
I'm using sonar2 and sometimes ableton live and propellerhead.

I'm leaning towards PC, but thought I'd get some more opinions first.

Stick with a PC. Mac laptops are way too expensive for what they really are.

I just picked up a eMachines M5309 laptop at Best Buy last month for $1200 with a $200 with the following specs:

Athon 2500+ Mobile Processor
512Mb RAM
60Gb 5,400 RPM HD
DVD/CD-RW combo drive
3 USB ports
1 Firewire port
...and the most important - a 15.4" widescreen display capable of 1280x800.

The laptop also has a PC-Card slot, S-Video and VGA outputs. I've been running HS2004XL on it with no problems and plan to add an external soundcard. I'm looking at both the Echo Audio Indigo IO and M-Audio Firewire Audiophile.
I still say go with the mac. I have been doing battle with a Dell laptop (that looks great on paper) for two years and have hated every minute of it. MHz is nothing, quality is everything.