Not Sure


New member
First of all Hi :) I'm new to the forum as you will tell.

Basically about myself is I'm 19 at the moment living in the UK, at secondary school I studied Music Technology, so I do know about the basics of recording, microphones, monitors etc. I also started playing guitar the same time as that which is 4 years ago now. While I was at college I stopped my interest in music for some strange reason until a few months ago when I thought why not continue what I love doing only problem is now trying to fit it around full time work. But anyway I'm not the best on guitar I can play some piano, and I have bought a USB audio interface today ready to start recording and having fun I'll put current gear below anyway my problem I found was I have no idea what to record should I do a cover of a song if so which one (an easy one of course) should I just make a small song up, it's like everything from school has just gone as in how to get a better sound, how to make the final piece sound better etc.

My Gear isn't that impressive,
3 Electric guitars (1 Strat, 1 Les Paul and 1 SG) and 1 Acoustic guitar.
Line 6 Pod Studio UX2
AKG Headphones
The software I'm using is Reason Adapted

I don't currently have any microphones but looking for any guidance the main thing I would be recording is my acoustic guitar.

Thanks !
Hey Tom welcome to HR.
A new microphone huh. What were you comfortable using in that situation at University?
You should look at a few different deals that offer a SDC and a LDC in the same package and you can't go wrong with a Shure SM57 in your arsenal.
Well I have a basic set up to record my guitar but I have no idea what to record and the few times I've just messed around with my guitar(s) the sound hasn't been that great so not sure what I can do to help
I'm going direct into the interface, the sound quality is okay the problem is that it just sounds kinda off like bass is slightly higher etc
The universe hasn't decreed that you can only record one thing in your life.

That means you have no limits on what you can record.

But . . . seeing as you are just starting out, there's no need to make the mountain bigger than it is.

So why not start with an easy, uncomplicated cover of a song you know well?

You can use this exercise to start developing your recording skills . . . trying out different things, seeing what works and what doesn't.
Yeah your going to see an improvement once you get some microphones.

Try down loading Reaper as your DAW they have amp sims in there that will help you out.