Not sure where to post this...Need help with Headphones


New member
I just bought a pair of Grado SR-60's. I like them alot, but I need one more pair of headphones that will isolate the sound coming out of the headphones so that it doesn't bleed into the mic. The Grados I have are open ear design so they bleed liek crazy. The main reason I need isolating cans is when recording acoustic guitar or drums to a click track. I, as well as a lot of musicians I record, like to have the click track quite loud and I've had a few instances where the click bled into the recording and it was quite tricky to try and remove it, or we just had to do a new take. I was looking at Extreme Isolation Headphones because I did a search on here and someone suggested those. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'd like to spend under $100 bucks. I don't really need awesome sound, I just need incredible isolation. These aren't for mixing or referencing, their just for tracking.