Not sure what Mics to get, CAD or AT


New member
Hey Guys,
Im looking for some mics to use for Vocals, Drum OH's and Piano. Im looking to purchase two so for use of OH's and piano both in studio and live, the first i came across was the CAD M177, ive heard really good things about this mic selling for about 120$ on ebay but recently i found the AT3035 which is around $150, can anyone recommend these mics and i plan to use them with my Presonus firepod straight to cubase sx,
Thanks alot!,
I personally don't like the 3035 but lots of folks here do. The CAD 179 is a great mic at that price point. The AT 4040 is also a nice mic in and around there. For OH's you can't beat the naiant (why is that spelled so weird) omni's or cardioid. Whenever you get a couple bucks ahead you gotta get an SM7.
+ Just notices Myriad Rocker has a pair of naiants in the classifieds for $25
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Personally, I don't like the 3035 on vocals at all. It's great on percussion though. The M179 is a very versatile mic but again not a great vocal mic IMO.
I really like CAD mics. I recently sold a Neumann TLM103 and bought 2 Trion 8000s, a Trion 7000 and 2 M177s for the same money! The 8000 is great on vocals, I got it for $220 new and its superb. Maybe a litle out of your budget though but they are really worth it.Even used the two for OHs and they're great although I'd probably prefer my Gefell M70s. The M177 is very good too, I use 'em on toms a lot.

I haven't ever been able to get a sound that I really liked with the 3035 on my voice. I like my CAD e300 though (more expensive), but I think it has a similar capsule to the M179, which you can also find on ebay for 150$ new with a shockmount quite often. I would definitely consider it because of its multiple pattern options.
hey guys thanks for all the great info! duped got me thinking about the trion 8000 mics from CAD, they seem very popular, has anyone got any recordings they or theyve band has done using the trion 8000 or any of the m177's or m179?
Thanks alot,
I have an AT 4033a and it's a decent room mic. And supposedly good for overheads and acoustic guitars. It's a decent mic. My mic doesn't like being used upside down. Or should I say, it just sounds more transparent if NOT used upside down. But I got it used, so maybe it's a bit .... ummm... used. I've been looking at maybe a trion 7000 myself. Although at that price point I might be better off with a Fathead II.