Not so new, damn I'm bored, & you're old in more than just the industry...

Flo' Dolo

New member
Folks, please make sure I 'didn't' read article 02 wrong...

Dear General Grand Dragon,

Article 2 on your site. <sigh>


Everest Whyte,
International Industrial Review,
Investigative Reporter,
London, United Kingdom

The dream of getting a recording contract and living happily everafter in the lap of luxury is the prime motivation for most entertainers, despite the few burned out hippies that still insist in their best American nigger english, "for the arts, man"...

You definately ain't a real vegetable, man. Or even just a man. More like a lazy, pompus, too busy to check your own shit (or too cocky to hide your own fucked up mentality) racist prick, just like soooooooo many other "Industry Insiders." Go ahead & tell me you didn't see it so I can then tell you why nobody should trust you with anything. Better yet, tell me you did & I'll spend my holiday raising so much hell you'll wish you could sue me - but we both know you can't. And though I'm poor, I'm no pussy, and nobody's fool; food stamps, phat beats, fast hands & "American Nigger English" go a looooong way.

I hope that the people on the site who just co-signed for your ass simply didn't see that bullshit I quoted from page. They probably did. Pretty damn hard to miss, though. Prolly thought it was a'ight, too...<sigh>

<and to think, you got a black dude contributing to that shit on your site, too. Tomming-assed motherfucker. I wonder if he saw that shit. Prolly so. Prolly proud of his contribution. Sucka... I'm calling dude (ain't his name Tre'?) tomorrow morning. Wonder if he even exists?!?>

Maybe I should start issuing threats, now.

Stay proud of your site & company & keep tooting your own horn. I'll gladly be the first to smash your fronts out while you're busy sucking your own dick & sucking the life out of those that know no better. Sue that, you racist bitch. If you wanna kick it up a notch, ask for my address so you can serve me & i'll post it right here.

To top it off, that shit on your page is the same thing EVERYBODY in the same business as you posts, blowing the minds of the totally uninitiated & hustling them for something.

Black, White, Brown, Yellow, or Green, you're still a racist running a scam.

Well... can't say I didn't give peace a chance.


American Nigger English Perpetuator, Appreciator, Investigator, Prolificator, Prognosticator, & Constantly Contributing Creator,

DJ Flo' Dolo
"The Dirt Road Show" - WWCU 90.5 - Western Carolina University
"Phat Vibes" and "Live from Planet Rock" - Stuttgart (Germany)Freies Radio (97.2 Mhz over Antennae and 102.1 on Cable)

SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM In my opinion, which I'll happily fight to the death to express, you and your whole outfit is nothing more than a big scam.

Scamming suckas for all they're worth - take note or take it in the ass:

Vandor Music Group/Vandor Motion Pictures
Vandor Motion Pictures, Phonorecords and Music Publishing Group div. of Pathfinders, Inc.
1826 Poplar Lane SW, North Wing
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Tel: 505 247 4843 - Fax: 505 265 8947
Year Company Founded: 1959 Company Profile:

Vandor Motion Pictures, Phonorecords & Music Publishing Group is a General Licenser offering world wide coverage, financial support and full administration, with licensing, manufacturing, publishing, sub-publishing, artist management, promotion, distribution, wholesale and retail merchandising, marketing and sales world wide. Owns and operates VMG World Wide, Vandor Music Group (VMG), Vandor Motion Pictures Group, Vandor Records Group, Vandor Publishing Group, Vandor Distribution Group and Vandor World Wide Concerts & Tour Direction Group. Vandor's doors are always open to new and established labels, publishers, film, video and phonorecord producers, actors, artists, songwriters, authors, composers, book, script and screenwriters. Contact the nearest VMG Representative.

Major Record Labels:


Juke Records of Tennessee, Est. 1895 Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Vandor, Int'l (USA) - Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
VMG - Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
VMG World Wide - Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
BFM - Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Cozy - Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;


Aerolite, Int'l (Germany) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Antigua, (Brazil) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Andes, (Peru) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Chalice, Int'l (Greece) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
China, (Taipei) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Christ Line, (USA) Genre': All Fields of Sacred Music in all Languages;
EarthQuake, (USA) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Erth, (USA) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
EuroRecords, (Germany) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
FMC, Ltd. (UK) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Ginko, (Japan) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Great Nile, (Egypt) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Hundred & One, (USA) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
IceFire, (Canada) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Little Dragon, (Canada) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Maya, (Mexico) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Paradigm, (USA) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Peony Int'l, (Saudi Arabia) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Shan Int'l, (Burma) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;
Suddath, (USA) Genre': All Fields of Music in all Languages;

Music Publishing Companies:

FireDragon Music Publishing Company (ASCAP) All Fields of Music
Administers all ASCAP product.


Bobby Farrell International Music Publishing Company (BMI) All Fields of Music
Administers all BMI product.

Current Most Active Publishing Companies:

Carved in Stone Music Publishing Company (BMI) - Genre: All Fields of Music
DallasTex Publishing Company - Genre: All Fields of Copy
Pathfinder Press - Genre: All Fields of Copy
PeChyBo Music Publishing Company - Genre: All Fields of Music

[end of scammer listings]

DO NOT SPAM THE COMPANY! Unless you like feathers .....

I won't spam you, but I will spit rusty nails.

Meet you in the watermelon patch (and bring that punk oreo-assed, pseudo-brotha from Chicago with you)...

ready for whatever you can drum up, Mr. Farrell...

BTW - WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?
<prolly a true-to-life version of the blind, black, klansman Dave Chapelle parodied...>
Tre' Knight
Executive Director, Label Distribution
773 928 2172
10755 South Indiana Avenue
Chicago IL 60628
Flo' .....

What broom closet did you learn to read in?

"I" didn't make that statement, "I" copied and posted it verbatim from the original article. Or don't you read bylines?

Anyone who wills end me an SASE for about 4oz postage can still get a copy of the original article, paper mites and all. I still have a few hundred of the 10K Anthony Barry sent me when the issue was published. And for those who want a PRIORITY, use that envelope and postage and I’ll ship all the weight will carry. NO! I won’t put you on any list or contact you for any reason.

Press Copy
1826 Poplar Lane SW
Albuquerque NM 87015

As for what 'you' think, list your Gold and Platinums in the REAL WORLD of records, and maybe somebody will be impressed. I doubt it.

If you've got a problem and my BLACK business Associates and Artists DO NOT, guess who has the REAL problem? That didn't go over the obviously limitations of your one brain cell, did it?

And BEFORE you start any more spewing racial nonsense, permit me to inform you the pool was opened at your first post! :-)

FYI, the Number One Man at VMG - Lekan Parsons, President, Vandor Records Group, is BLACK. As was his predecessor, the Number One WOMAN at VMG, Rosalind Clark, RN, PK.

Too bad you Super Stupids never learn.

As for the “scam” charges … produce the ‘scam’ or a victim! Just one will do. Everybody would like to know “what” the ‘scam’ is, and the Super Stupids can never explain their idiocies without showing their abject ignorance and paranoia in the process. (So saith ye olde sixty years of ‘damage’ :-)

We both know you can’t deliver either. And when you fail, as you will, everybody will know you’re not only an industry know-nothing, your also a damned liar! Yes. You may quote me.

Thus, for the record: anybody who is brainless enough to buy ANY of your nonsense, is also too brainless to survive in this Best Of All Industries. And, NO! VMG doesn’t need the brainless in any capacity, at any time, for any reason. Their ‘talent’ notwithstanding.

As for your ‘grand dragon’ idiocy … I shoot KKKs and other bigots … the people I teach do even worse, especially the Blacks! Did that one go over your head too? Probably. One limited brain cell is very quickly overloaded.

And a bit of recent news for you:

VMG plays in such leagues because we’re such ‘scams’ …

So busy rubbing your own balls you couldn't even peep what I was saying...

Ok dude, you owe me.

And BEFORE you start any more spewing racial nonsense, permit me to inform you the pool was opened at your first post! :-)

Since I posted in your thread & further opened shit up, you got the alley way to buff your own knob in public. In that respect, I'm guilty. I bit. BTW - that means YOU opened the pool up by posting first. Besides, none of my posts came before you put that webpage of yours up, did they dickhead?!? I didn't bring race into the thread, you did by having your minions back you up, welcome you, and throw up that link to your site (maybe digital don knew something fucked up would crack off, based on the words in his post - I dunno).

if you're gonna nitpick mr. knowitall, get it right...

What broom closet did you learn to read in?

"I" didn't make that statement, "I" copied and posted it verbatim from the original article. Or don't you read bylines?

I learned in grandmama's broom closet, I read quite well, and thank you for asking. I know you didn't make the statement & I never said you did; what broom closet did YOU learn to read in?!? Thing is, by posting that article in its' entirety on your site, you co-signed for it. There are hundreds of articles saying the same shit without the crunchy racial bits in there. Surely you could've gaffled one of those just as easily. As for broom closets, since you're STILL defending that article with no apologies, it makes me wonder what else you got in yours. I use my white pillowcases for pillows and pillows alone. I'm beginning to wonder if you can make the same claim...

As for your ‘grand dragon’ idiocy … I shoot KKKs and other bigots … the people I teach do even worse, especially the Blacks! Did that one go over your head too? Probably. One limited brain cell is very quickly overloaded.

Yeah, you shoot 'em a'ight. You shoot 'em enough credibility to post their drivel on your webpage. And to think, the black folks who work with you, or for you, or become your clients have also read that shit & nobody checked you on it? They may be alot of things, but black ain't one of 'em.

You may be rich, or at least wealthier than me, you may be old, and you may even be a nice guy who really knows his shit about the music business, but still & all, by posting that article in its' entirety (ever heard of EDITING wiseass?!?), you look like nothing more than a fucking idiot, and a racist one, at that. If you ain't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. And you want my business. You think I can trust you to "teach" me anything? Yeah, right.

Thus, for the record: anybody who is brainless enough to buy ANY of your nonsense, is also too brainless to survive in this Best Of All Industries.

You co-sign for a dude who catagorizes how I speak as "American Nigger English," I call you out on it, and you call me brainless? Money ain't brains, and neither are gold or platinum records. It's no secret that many people who have plenty of both are severely lacking education (both academic and intrinsic), understanding, wisdom, intelligence, and compassion. Thanks for being such a shining example.

And no, neither my partners nor I can rattle off lists of gold & platinum records we've contributed to, but we do have enough of those "REAL WORLD" plaques between us & have sold enough wax to make a wall look not so lonely. No biggie, though - a gold record don't mean shit unless you choose to keep acquiring them - I chose to do something else with my life for a while, and now i'm back in the game. 'Sides I LIKE the idea of selling 10 of thousands of records WITHOUT a radio chart hit. But that's just me. You can kiss my gold & platinum ass...

Too bad you Super Stupids never learn.

:rolleyes: That's what I'd like to tell all those uncle tommin'-assed black folks you claim work for you.:rolleyes:

I agree you're in the "Best Of All Industries," Mr. Farrell; the good ol' boy industry. And, since I'm not welcome or down to join, but rather, trying to destroy it ---- oh fuck it, i'm done. Sanford & Son is on, you big dummy...


DJ One-Brain-Cell-Of-Mine-Is-Too-Much-Litigation-For-You-Dolo
Last edited:
I looked at the "General's" sight and was less than impressed. First off, the big banner you are supposed to click doesn't even work, you have to click a stupid little star.

Now as for everything else past that point I quit looking because the site and layout are complete and utter garbage.

I don't give the time of day to companies or groups that don't fork over the time or money to make things look good for people they are trying to entice.

I don't know exactly what you are selling "General", but you need some advertising skills bad.

As for the whole rascist issue.......if you wanna be a racist then thats fine with me. To each his own. But when you post shit from "other people", then you better agree with it or just skip using it.

And with all respect, what did you do that makes your company so great?

With respect to you, I rest my case. The Industry Ignorant won't have a clue, as you obviously don't.


Where did you get to be such an industry expert?

Damn! I'm just so impressed with your stupidity I think I'll run into the throne room and take an Outlaws!

The General said:

With respect to you, I rest my case. The Industry Ignorant won't have a clue, as you obviously don't.


Where did you get to be such an industry expert?

Damn! I'm just so impressed with your stupidity I think I'll run into the throne room and take an Outlaws!

Maybe I'm just a "beer room baritone," but you do seem to come across a bit abrasive, and with a spicy hint of arrogance.
I mean that in the nicest possible way :D

"Take an Outlaws?" Hmm... Really, he was pretty-much just commenting on your site's layout, which I also find to be a bit lacking in polish.

Unlike Outlaws, I'm willing to overlook a site's layout if there might be some useful information there (been online since the days of Mosaic). I've printed out the fullsite.htm file to read tonight and I'll figure out my own opinion then.

I checked out your artist's chart positions. That site is kind of hard to use too. Not your fault, I know. They could really use a "search" feature, eh?

CEO Industry Ignorant, Inc.
The General said:

Where did you get to be such an industry expert?

It's called Advertising Design. You should try it. My website kicks your websites ass. In fact I think it actually beats yours to the ground with a hammer.

Every site on the net could use some sort of improvement :-) Starting with ours! I keep it simple and about five (at least!) years behind the times to keep from blowing those in the Third (twentieth?) World into oblivion. Most of the planet isn't sitting on late-state equipment or service, and they work just as hard on their music as we do. They ARE catching up, but the working class still has a long way to go.

Taking an Outlaws? If anybody is so blivit-headed to think a great or poor site layout is evidence of it's credibility, then they are also too blivit-headed to be worth a damn anywhere else!

Abrasive? YOU'RE DAMNED RIGHT! The crack-pot element can spew any and all manner of defamation against VMG or me WITHOUT one shred of evidence, and without being able to either document or produce so much as one victim - and "I" am supposed to be a goody-goody little general and submit? LIKE HELL I WILL! I didn't make General by running from a fight, or losing them once engaged. There are those who will buy into the damned lies, never-did-work myths and delusions of the never-wases and ain't-never-going-to-bes, and waste their lives and money too perpetuating the same stupidities. Somebody has to call those damnable delusions, and their perpetrators, into account ... and I'm damned well qualified and at their service! I’d prefer to answer the questions I have answers to, and with sixty years since I first went on the radio (December 5th, 1942, WMMN, Fairmont, West Virginia) and done everything else in this business, I do have a few answers for those who want them. The answers I don’t have, I know who does, and I’m on good paper with all of them.

Arrogant? I don’t think so. You wouldn’t either after you’ve put up with the same perpetual nonsense for decades on end from those who will never learn - or think! We’ve found the only wake-up call that works is a blast right between the eyes with the cold, hard TRUTH, regardless of how it comes across. We had the same mentally-degenerate stupidities on David Hooper’s old board, and mp3.jackass a few years later. Nobody ever delivered the ‘scam’ they charged, or produced so much as one victim! Because there isn’t any in either category. And they all damned well KNOW it. They’re just pissed because they didn’t get ‘discovered’ and ‘given’ that non-existent free million dollars this industry is supposed to accord - due to their ages-long never-think stupidities. And I won’t accommodate them either, nor will I conduct my life or my business on ‘their’ terms.

That HUGE site of ours has been up since August 14th, 1996 - as is - except for the updates (which need doing again :-) And in all that time, NOBODY, including that totally corrupt United States 15th District Court, Southern District of New York, has even dared threaten to sue. I have the facts - and their damnable collusions clearly documented - and I am ready for court any time they are. BTW, "TRUTH" is a perfect defense against both defamation and libel. Don't suppose they damned well KNOW I've got those goods on them, do you? :-)

THANKS for your reply to the thread!

Actually, I was referring to your original post, not your responses to the allegations of others. I don't know why this second thread was started instead of just a response to the original. Anyway, it's all OK. If you should so choose to be arrogant or abrasive, it doesn't really do anyone else any harm :)

Still have to read your info (still at work now).

a) no one who is actually in "the industry" that is doing well has enough time to be on a bulletin board, much less run an entire website.

b) a professional would not have responded to this thread in the first place - much less try to defend themselves... seeing as there would be nothing to defend against a measly post on a message board

c) it most likely IS a scam, maybe it has some useful information... but I'm sure you could get it for free if you looked hard enough

also, no one in "the industry" lives in albequerque, new mexico. which is where "the general" is listed as being from. also... "the general" is a pretty stupid name. not that mine is any better... but as far as arrogance goes. pretty stupid.
Re: solution

grn said:
a)a professional would not have responded to this thread in the first place - much less try to defend themselves... seeing as there would be nothing to defend against a measly post on a message board

This is quite possibly the most intelligent statement made on this board in a long time.
Well, after wading through a lot of ranting and rhetoric, I'm done reading the articles on the VMG site (whew...looooong read!). A few good points about the music industry made there. Actually, more than sell me on the services of Vandor, it just made me disgusted with the music "industry."

Anyway, it really doesn't necessarily apply to a guy like me, 'cause I'm not in it to make millions or be a star. I am in it for the joy of doing it..."for the music." I guess I'm just one of those "hippies" who will remain "industry ignorant," relegated to be a "beer joint baritone."

Oh well.

Oh yeah...Not that I can speak for it as a location for a publishing company, but I can say first hand that Albuquerque isn't exactly a music mecca! :D

Too bad you're so ignorant you don't know the likes of Shirley McLaine, Lyle Lovett, Julia Roberts, Randy Travis - etcetera - have homes here in New Mexico (some in Albuquerque) and NONE of us have lost even a speck of our KNOW HOW or our KNOW WHO!

Such idiocy as yours is the cause for a great many wasted lives because in your stupidity, anybody without all the hyped-accoutrements is incapable of doing anything. If such limited mentality had any value, physicians couldn’t do a damned thing beyond the parking lot of the Mayo Clinic!

If you play an instrument, does it suddenly stop working, won’t stay in tune, unless you’re within the city limits of New York, Hollywood or Nashville? If not, then you’ve just shown the readers your abject stupidity, the single biggest problem in this Best Of All Industries.

Since you’re stupidity has now been so well documented, anyone with more brains than a brick knows you have neither the intelligence nor industry expertise to know “what” anyone ‘in the industry’ would do or why. To Wit: “it most likely IS a scam” … but you’re too stupid to KNOW for sure, aren’t you? And “why” do you think a 45 Year old company with an impeccable track record is a ‘scam’ - because you’re too stupid to know you really don’t know a damned thing. Especially about this Industry.

I don’t want to overload your brain half-cell, but “the general” isn’t a name, it’s a Title of Rank. I hope that didn’t strain your mental capacity …

ATTN: VMG! Pool’s open.


You’re right, Albuquerque isn’t a music Mecca. And we damned well don’t want it to become one! :-) The list of “Who’s Who” that live and maintain offices here would shock the soul of the grns! And like most of them, VMG has Reps, Agents and Operations all over the place - New York, Hollywood, Nashville, Memphis, Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, London, Berlin, Rome, Cairo, Tokyo, New Delhi, Manila, Brisbane, and the list goes on. I just choose to live and work here since VMG’s way of doing business - where the Artist owns their own masters, and a lot of other advantages - avoids the necessity of 10-Story buildings loaded with people playing grab-ass and eating up Artist’s earnings without contributing a damned thing to the income.

And, you’re also right about our site not being for you, and a lot of other people like you who really DO NOT want the hassle of main stream in this often very crazy business. However, there’s not enough market potential in those who do not want a get-the-billions effort, for companies to justify limiting themselves to those few. Unfortunately, music, like all other business ventures, must prepare themselves and target the higher profit potentials, those who DO want such a career. The information in our site is intended to provide an experienced view for those who want to make the RIGHT decision whether to commit to a music career, or not.

It really isn’t necessary to blast whole-hog into this Best Of All Industries to make some good money with it, anymore than it’s necessary to buy ALL the lottery tickets to play the game. In most cases the odds are about the same of turning a huge profit :-) but nobody has to get hurt. A few bucks for fun is one thing, ending up in massive debt and performance restriction, or being stolen from (like our Sophia Stewart who wrote the original “Matrix”) [] as result of ignorance, is another. Our site is intended to prevent as much of that as possible … except for the grn elements of the world. Nothing can rescue them from their self-inflicted ninny-brained rampages.

Everybody have a SAFE Holiday!

The General said:
Too bad you're so ignorant you don't know the likes of Shirley McLaine, Lyle Lovett, Julia Roberts, Randy Travis - etcetera - have homes here in New Mexico (some in Albuquerque)

Not to mention Kip Winger :D

proper grammar and a less than mediocre vocabulary don't make you any more right or wrong. by the way, "ignorant" is a nice, big, juicy word that makes you look so intelligent! keep using it!

I don't claim to know everything... but I do know that you're in "the industry" strictly for the money. you're giving "the industry ignorant" false hopes and you're giving the industry itself a worse name than it already has. you're a bad person.

I wonder why I've never heard of ANY of the artists on Vandor... actually I wonder why I've never heard of Vandor itself before I got on the internet. like I said, if you're so good at your business, you don't have time to be running a website (if you're the president of the company) much less post on a message board.

good luck, good riddens, go ahead and make some witty retort. it only makes you look worse. if you claim to be such-and-such... let your actions speak louder than your words. you don't need to defend yourself against me - I'm a no name person on a message board. in fact, I dare you not to defend yourself... don't sink to my level. the worst that could happen is this thread disappears and you look like you're above it all - much better than I am.
Re: ...

grn said:
"ignorant" is a nice, big, juicy word that makes you look so intelligent! keep using it!
You've got a point there.

I don't claim to know everything... but I do know that you're in "the industry" strictly for the money. you're giving "the industry ignorant" false hopes and you're giving the industry itself a worse name than it already has. you're a bad person.
I think you're right about his being in it for the money. As far as "false hopes," well...I'm "industry ignorant," read the whole site, and I'm still perfectly happy to sell my own CDs a few at a time on CDBaby and at gigs. Music makes me happy (and helps me get laid).
I wonder why I've never heard of ANY of the artists on Vandor... actually I wonder why I've never heard of Vandor itself before I got on the internet.
Never heard of Vandor before The General made this post. I have heard of the Stiffff Kitties though.

Really though, arguing isn't really gonna change either of you, it is? :)

As ma used ta say:
"Never wrestle with a pig, you get dirty and the pig actually likes it."
I have read through the Vandor stuff a few times. What the heck is it?
A record company?
Do they have distribution and with who?
Do the artists come in with complete finished packages?
How does Vandor make money.....percentage?
Since the artist is required to supply promotion budget how much is it?
What Vandor artist is doing well?
There is allot of smoke and mirrors can anyone tell me in black and white what the deal is?

Former staff writer for Starmaker