not playing???


New member
Sometimes when I open a project in reaper and try to play it, it says it is playing or recording whichever I selected but it is not and the time bar does not move either any ideas please chaps
I would say it was possibly to do with the audio engine not loading correctly. Something else using the ASIO driver maybe? Media Player not closed properly. Could be anything really.

Could be anything. Are you up to date with your Reaper install? I used to get glitches like that but not had any in a long long time now.
I would say it was possibly to do with the audio engine not loading correctly. Something else using the ASIO driver maybe? Media Player not closed properly. Could be anything really.

Could be anything. Are you up to date with your Reaper install? I used to get glitches like that but not had any in a long long time now.

Sounds like you need to give some more info, as to what your setup is. I'm not a 'Reaper' guy, but that type of crAp happens with all DAW's. Typically, it is a system setup issue.

Give up your secrets man! :)
When you load a track and hit play, is the timebar at the end of the track? Not sitting at my computer, I seem to recall that when I load a track, it goes to the end, by default. I have to rewind to the beginning, to get it to play from the start.(this is not intended to be condescending, just hoping it is as easy as this).
I've gotten that before. It's usually driver issues. Power cycle Reaper and your audio interface a few times. Mess with the driver settings in the preferences menu. That's the best advice I can give.
got rid of the laptop and transferred it onto desktop and hey presto problem solved, just need to upgrade memory and processor now, but alls good