Not getting the quality I should from AT4040 + DMP3


New member
Hey guys,

I just got the AT4040 and the DMP3. It's hooked up to a Mobilepre USB which I think could be the problem. My original setup was a Mobilepre with a Beta 58, and the quality hasn't improved since I upgraded. I know the AT4040 + DMP3 shouldn't sound this cold. My vocals are harsh and muddy. Since the Mobilepre is the weakest link in my signal chain, I am thinking of getting the Audiophile 2496 (the Mobilepre is only 16 bit). Before I do, comments/suggestions? I want to be sure that the 2496 will make the difference.

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I would agree. Your convertors are the weakest link. If everything keeps coming out cold and lifeless, it's either your convertors or your monitors.

The 24/96 is not dramatically better but you can warm things up with a good compressor plug in or tube sat plug in.