
No. 4

I love the beginning... the rest of it would be good for scaring the shit out of little kids on halloween. Did you put a mic inside the guitar at any time for that?
You know, the vocals could use a bit of reverb.

Seriously, I think your stuff's fun to listen to. What kind of delay are you using? (Besides the Beatles and Foghat, have you been listening to too much Sonny Sharrock and Derek Bailey lately?)
(Oooops... I mean... cool stuff there, Ametth. Um, heh-heh... he-he...)



PS Seriously though - cool effects, what're you using?
(Drugs, processors, etc???)

this was all done with a delay pedal, in one take. I was just having fun! I really like making noise, I may explore further into this, cause it's sooo much fun :)....I'm hopefully going to start recording an album or EP with my band, so I'll post some 'real' music when that gets done (hopefully before I die!)
the beginning of 'one' is actually goning to be part of a song for my band...I was just messing around and that came out, and I liked it. The amp was miced with I think an sm-57, it's been a while since I did this.
That tune reminds me of a guy I knew in school.
He was my room-mate's best friend.
The guy didn't play an instrument but spent an ungodly sum of cash (more loose cash, many times over, than I had my entire 4 years of college) on a Moog synth just because he wanted to make strange noises. Everybody (except me) thought he was a colossal idiot for making this purchase and I believe he did have his own moments of self-doubt about the purchase
(he could've bought a Z-28 and had a much better chance at getting laid based on female impressions of the wisdom behind the cash he'd spent)
but this pioneering act inspired me to build Amrather Studios, drstawl's cat-infested recording location.
Aha! I didn't realize that you had posted this stuff to the clinic...sorry I missed it.

With you, me, brad, doc, and a few others who have talked about doing some bizzaro shit recently...we'd have enough material for a "what the fuck was that" compilation. :)

One: love this one. It really starts out very melodic, almost pretty (yes, I used the word pretty, I still have a big penis though)....then the ending is absolutely annoying! Love it!

Two: Very Dr. Who of you! Some cool rate effects going on there. Could use a few more noises though.

Three: This one had me...this is kinda what "noise" music is all about. That is, if music is an arrangement of sounds that make a person feel certain feelings, then this certainly would qualify as music, even though it has no rhythm and no real melody.

Lots of cool images going on in my head when i listen to this. Robots and aliens at first....then bloody stuff and body parts....then a swampy area at dusk (swamps are scarey) .... Have you ever seen that classic japanese movie Iron Man about the guy who slowly turns into a machine? The end of this could be the soundtrack!

Four: this one starts out kind of boring...I don't like it when you can actually tell it's a guitar....but then it gets cool about halfway through....very pysco killer.

Five: The dropouts on this one are really fucking cool. It kind of makes me think of someone who is seeing something very horrible...and he closes his eyes and hopes it goes away, but every time he opens them it's still there. Or something like that...

Good stuff matthew.

Slackmaster 2000
Man... send this to Mike Patton.. he'll love it..

I think it's nice to see that someone records stuff like this. I don't "dig", but I surely prefer it to most of the crappy pop-music that's out there making some jerk rich. At least it's refreshing for my fantasy to listen to your stuff.

Nice stuff ametth!
Must have missed this the first time around. - Hmmm, what can one say? Interesting indeed - I could listen to this stuff all night if I were to "alter my state." :) You need to hook up w/ the doc for sure. :)