Noise reduction after digitizing tapes


Out of style
Hey guys, question for you about noise reduction:

Just what are my non-software options after I've already digitized the tape? I decided that the release of my album Lacrimosa is probably too lo-fi even for my ears and am trying to do what I can about that. I transferred my multi tracks to Pro Tools so I can work on the mix at school, trying to clean it up as much as possible. What this means is that since I'm using school equipment, I'm (somewhat) limited to what's already on the computers, as far as plug-ins go, so I can't just download whatever I need, sadly.

So without dealing with software since I can't get any more, how would you guys go about dealing with the problem?
You can clean it up in the analog realm remastering through single-ended noise reduction. IMO one of the best at removing background hiss/noise was the Behringer SNR 202 Denoiser. This is a solid Behringer Made in Germany before they started outsourcing to Asia. You can often find them on eBay, but as always avoid the "Flower Pot Guy." You can either remix your tracks through its two channels to a master recorder... Tape, CD, sound card, whatever you're mixing/mastering too, or you can try to clean up your existing 2-track master by bringing it out into analog through the SNR 202 to another analog or A/D destination. Not sure what other equipment you've got to work with, so I can't be more specific at this point. I still own my SNR 202. It's a keeper!

Thanks for the suggestion. I guess outboard is the way to go and yeah, my equipment isn't all that up to it at the moment, I think. I guess with what I do have is all cassette-related so I didn't know if it would do any good. I've considered running the tracks back out to my Tascam 244 but didn't know if it would cause more problems than it would solve.

Suppose I got two of the Behringer units and used them in between the tape and the interface, would that be better? Am I right in assuming that it's better to attack this noise on the front end rather than waiting until the end, considering I'd want to do some substantial compression on some of the tracks?