Noise and Distortion


New member
I'm fairly new to CE Pro and am trying to learn my way around.

For starters, I am getting about -76 Db of noise showing up in my monitor level meter when I have nothing connected to my computer. I have an Alesis QS6.2 keyboard that I've hooked into my Soundblaster mic input but this doesn't seem to be the problem.

I can disconnect the keyboard and the cord from the soundcard and the noise is still present. It seems to be a steady hum. I can reduce the noise level slightly when I turn the recording sound level all the way down in my Creative mixer. However, the -76 level is what remains.

When I play my keyboard through my computer I am amplifying with an Alesis RA-100 through Alesis Monitor One Mk2's. The keyboard is distorting through the speakers. The distortion is like a radio that's not tuned in properly. The distortion level does not go away when I turn off my RA-100, either.

Anyone have some ideas as to what the problem is and how to fix it? I would appreciate any help someone can lend.

I have -63db constantly, and I've never noticed it until you posted this. I've tracked on CEP for about 2 years, and I don't think it's ever created a problem for me, but I honestly don't know...if it IS causing me problems, then dammit, I want answers, lol. Just posting to let you know that you're not alone.

As far as the other problem goes, I don't have any idea, but I don't think it's related to the first one at all. I monitor instruments through my computer in CEP all the time, and I have worse floor noise than you do, lol. But it's either too hot on the input or the output, right? I don't see many other options, but I miss a lot forests that trees obscure.
Thanks, Chris.

By the way, I listened to, "Couldn't Care Less," and thought it sounded great.

I'd have to agree that my distortion problem is probably a matter of me getting input levels correct. As it is with most things, it takes practice to get things right.

I also just got a copy of, "Audio Editing with Cool Edit," by Richard Riley which I obviously need to read. It may address some of my questions. However, feedback from the forum users will continue to be welcome.
I get alot of noise if I have my guitar pickup pointing toward my computer monitor. Obviously this isn't your particular case with the keyboard, but the monitor is obviously doing some interference, so it could be related. Also, I can get noise if I don't unplug my cordless phone while I record--but not as much as what you're describing.
If anybody else reads this and is bored, try this. Plug nothing into your input and just hit the meter at the bottom and see how much "floor noise" you're getting just from...I dunno', the computer itself? Voodoo maybe? I mean, when I just turn my preamp ON at its lowest output setting, I get -40db, which doesn't seem to be a -76db I can't fathom as being very unusual...but I'd still be interested to know what some others get with absolutely nothing plugged in. Just record nothing and watch the meters.
i just hit record with a mic hooked into my art tube preamp which is running into a delta-44 and i get absolutly 0 noise , until i speak or a noise is made in the room .. and this is with the output of the preamp wide open and the input at about 3 oclock..
maybe try using better quality cables , i use xlr cables with mogami wire ..
KingDaddyDank said:
i just hit record with a mic hooked into my art tube preamp which is running into a delta-44 and i get absolutly 0 noise

Wow...that's pretty the meters at the bottom don't even register at all?

KingDaddyDank said:

maybe try using better quality cables , i use xlr cables with mogami wire ..

Always a good idea, but it wouldn't make a difference for purposes of this little experiment; which was plug NOTHING in and just hit record and see if the meters move at all. Since mine do (register about -63db with nothing plugged in) cords wouldn't make a difference.

Thanks for doing it and posting. Anybody else?
Here's mine with nothing in the inputs...I guess it's just my freaking card?



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Yeah, I think I figured it out (with help from another site, lol)...your Delta registers about -96db (quiet freaking card), which is off the meter, which seems to stop at -75db.

However, if you right click on the meter, and set it to a 120db range, you'll see something.

Sorry for the interruption.
ohhh ok, heres a shocker, with nothing plugged in i get the same , nothing registers.. now i didnt use the 120db scale ..cuz i dont ever use it :P
chrisharris said:
Here's mine with nothing in the inputs...I guess it's just my freaking card?


two things chrisharris:

1. cool edit might be picking up you computer's internal noises (like the fan or wires, it depends on how good ur soundcard is)

2. how did u get/save that picture of your cool edit screen?
Unplugged -72

djbleach - you need to process your image (try a Weiss EQ-1) before posting.

Look for the "attach file" area when replying or starting a new thread.


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