No tech support


New member
I'm having this problem in BFD. Sometimes when I mixdown drum tracks, the software renders a wave in which cymbals cut off before their natural decay ends. It has made BFD (and everything I use it in) useless.

I've done everything their website suggests to optomize performance and took ideas from online forums. I've tried emailing tech support but it takes almost a day to get a response. So when they say "are you doing this?" It takes a day for them to send it and when I say "yes" it takes another day for them to write back and say "oh." To make matters worse, their website and manual only list email addresses - no phone numbers! I can't even talk to a real person!

I have great equipment - G5 Powermac, Cubase SX 3, enough RAM, etc and the most up to date version of BFD! Anyone have any suggestions of how to continue troubleshooting?

Also, what do I tell the guy I've been working with all summer that all his stuff is a waste because I can't mixdown? This is a problem. Any ideas? Fxpansion must pay.
Use BFD for what you can and use other samples for things like cymbals that you say are such a problem. There are literally millions of drum and cymbal samples out there and spending so much of your time trying to find out what's causing this problem seems futile and is almost certainly keeping you from the task at hand - making music.

Unless you are trying to fool a panel of experts into thinking that the drum parts you create are played by a human instead of a computer, there's always going to be some compromise.

Screw BFD and their pokey tech support. The reason they probably didn't put any phone numbers on their packaging is they know the software they've put out taxes most musicians computers to the limit and they don't want to spend their day dealing with confused, angry phone calls.
I appreciate the sentiment, but if you spend 300 bucks on a software package it should work! And just allowing companies to sell faulty products without helping you fix problems is what lets companies get away with it. People with an unlimited budget don't have this issue - I do. And its not about tricking people into thinking the drums are real - my concern is that I spent a decent amount of money on a product and I want it to work...not to mention the guy who is paying me to make a CD for him deserves to have his CD come out right.
have you tried to do a "REAL-TIME EXPORT" ? just a suggestion :D



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I use DFHS which i'm sure is somewhat similar. I have that problem if there is a cymbal hit at the end of a track. In that case I have to lengthen the MIDI note to let it ring out sufficiently. I'm using a drum map and the the note duration normally is not a factor, only at the last note. Is this anything like the problem you have?
This isn't the problem I have - in BFD a cymbal should decay on its own unless the cymbal is hit again, regardless of how long the midi note is.