No Sound!

The midi notes aren't "sound". They are just pointers that say "play this note at this velocity". You must have some type of sound generating program loaded that is then triggered by the midi note. You need a virtual instrument.

Try downloading a free Piano VST such as the ones found here:,

Add the plugin to the channel where you have your keyboard routed and see if it starts to play notes.
I am signing-up to the free places only to find charges down the road or limited access. Just spent another hour downloading god knows what to no avail; the most recent being 'noiiz'. There should be plug-ins with Ableton but the folders just show up empty. I found some midi files in an app called Cakewalk and have selected them but have no idea how to process them. I have switched to my Keystation 49e now. That does have a din socket! I can see the notes I am playing on screen but still no sound. It shouldn't be this difficult!
I have just tried 'Coolsoft' as a recommended alternative to Microsoft Synth that isn't on this computer and that wants me to drop in 'soundfonts' before I can progress; from where I have no idea.
If you are seeing ""notes" on the screen, the all you are missing is plugins for the sound. Ableton is supposed to have instruments included, but since I don't use it, I don't know where they put them or how you get them.
Try downloading this. No signups, just a quick and easy synth that will let you know if you set up and getting sound.

If you put it in your /common/VST3 folder and Ableton looks there, you should be able to hear something. This took me about 2 minutes in Reaper.

Dexed playing midi file.jpg

BTW, Soundfonts are just like fonts for letters, except they are for sound. Google will show you where to find hundreds of them.
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