No sound with midi


New member
Hey all,

Am v. new to this. 1 problem though.
Am running cubase sx in XP with microkorg as synth and midi kbd. Am able to record and playback fine in audio channels with guitar and keyboard but problem is I receive no sound when I use midi. There are levels going in and out and I can record midi data, but in both general monitoring and playback I get no sound. All devices seem to be OK in setup (ie midi ins and outs, vst selects etc) but still I hear nada. Any help much appreciated.
you won't hear the MIDI in playback until you rerout it through your midi device and back into SX as an audio file. Remember, MIDI is only recording the perfomance, ie. the keys you touched, the pedal you pushed, ect., it is NOT recording the sounds that you hear as you record it. So arm a track to record, and get a line out of your midi device and into your soundcard, pick the sound you want on your midi device, and hit record. The MIDI info you recorded will go through your MIDI device and then out as an actual audio signal and then you will be able to hear it.