No sound in IE or another program using a digi interface?

Ok I got some playback going out of itunes but the audio sounds like I am running it through a tremelo. Extremely glitchy. Anyone had this happen? I never have any playback problems from Pro Tools.

I'm having the exact same problem.. any suggestions?
The digi 002 shows up under sounds. When I set Digi 002 chan 1/2 as Default I still don't get any playback from any of the exe's that I have listed. Not seeing Itunes in the registry list. Maybe I need to restart? I will report back with my findings. Firefox is listed but i don't get any sound. Maybe its one of the programs that isn't compatible? Thanks for the help.

This same problem too... Any suggestions?
Pull75 not saying that it is a lost cause but it's 3 years later and I never was able to get non-pro tools sound working through my Digi 002 on that windows setup. If you figure it out....please let me know.
My browers used to work fine... Now the only browser that works is Internet Explorer...

I have no clue as to why the others don't work anymore. They are all in the Registry list.
This thread peaked my interest to attempt using my Digi 002 for Regular audio again. Not sure what is different now from three years ago but it is working perfectly now with Itunes and Mozilla browser. Crazy hahaha