No Sound!! Arghh

Melody master

New member
I have just bought cubase, and have been trying to use it with xg edit. So I went on to the internet to get hubis loopback. I did so, and then looked on how to install it. I did so, but it didn't seem to work properly, so I installed the drivers again, but still it didn't work. So I deleated my SW1000xg soundcard, and installed it again, with its normal drivers, but there is no sound, so I checked cubase, and noticed that there were LB1 LB1 LB2 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB4
I tried my otger sound cards, but none of them work either!! I don't know what to do, im going crazy trying to sort it out. Does anyone have any idea what is happening, and how to sort it out?????? I would be so grateful if you could help!!!!
