No sound after CD-R rip?


New member
I've ripped other cd's with no problems.

Used Music match , cdex, another prog. - After ripping a CD-r, it shows all tracks, proper file size, i hit play, looks like it's playing, it shows track length, etc- But there's NO SOUND?

Turn up your volume? Power to your speakers?? Maybe you hit them MUTE button???

Open your soundcard's control panel -- if the meters are moving there IS sound, but it's not getting to your speakers - probably due to a mistake on your part in terms of routing, or volume, etc...

If the meters aren't showing anything but the file is playing (ie, you see the time count moving), then either you misconfigured your soundcard/changed settings, or there really is a problem with the file.... if other music files play properly, then it IS a problem with those particular files... if other files don't play properly either, then it's a soundcard config thing -- you probably inadvertently changed something.....