No reviews? Do they suck?


New member
I noticed that I'm the only one that is not receiving reviews. Do these tunes suck too much for comment? Or is cash distribution required for feedback? I'm new to this forum, so I'm not too familiar with the rules.

Man, there is some great talent in here. Great job to all who have posted links to their MP3s.
The usual drill is to pick one of your songs and ask for comments on it.....posting your site with more than one song turns some people away....the way to do it is post one and then once they are at your site they'll listen to more if it's good.;)

Im listening to "What You Dream" right now and it's a pretty good classic rock sounding tune....the percussion is a little odd.The snare is in the left speaker and it should be in the center(or there about).....Vocals sound are pretty cool.....the harmony guitar thing is pretty decent but the guitars sound a little thin duriing that part.

Are the lead vocals off to the left too?They should be a little closer to center too......focal points shouldnt be out in left field IMHO.

Nice tune.I enjoyed it.

Are you a Pink Floyd fan?I hear some Floyd Influence in there...especially in "Regret"......even a little Peter Gabriel.
Kramer, thanks for the tips and comments. I agree. I'll pan the snare and vocals to center.

I'm not a huge Pink Floyd fan, but I do hear the similarities. I am a Peter Gabriel fan.

Thank again.
I like your stuff. I'd like to hear bigger drums and more vocal level, but it sounds great as is. You've put a lot of work into this, and it shows. Rock on.

war kicked ass. excellent bass. the extreme panned drum hits were kinda weird. the vocal effect was kinda weird too, but it worked.

the other two tunes were good, too.
listening to 'War', this is a good tune! I really like the vocals..

the mix is not good.. I dont know how to fix it either.. those drum additives sound bad, and the whole thing sounds very mid range to me.. it could be me because I feel like I have been saying that a lot lately.. did you record half the song w/synth bass and half real bass?

the song is way better than the recording, and the vocals are excellent.. very AIC..

very AIC..

maybe someone else who knows something will lend an ear..

Thanks for the feedback. You're right. I EQd the mids a bit too high in error because I was using crappy headphones during mixdown.

The song has a synth bass line, and I'm slapping a string bass that follows the bass drum.

I'll remix, mixdown, re-EQ, and re-post.

Listening to Regret, and this song totally kicks ass. That snare in the left ear has got to go... I'm focusing on the negative here, but the lead vocal seems off center (to the right?), and I'm getting a little wabbly.

Of course, the tune's almost 7 minutes long, so I could go for another change up somewhere before that long fade starts, but I might feel differently if I was baked, so I dunno'.

Okay, listening to "WAR" now. Totally different than "Regret," but good. That cannot be a real bass, right? Man, that thing you (or somebody) do with your voice get the "air" in it is waaaaay cool. Very Peter Gabriel-ish. Snare sounds

I'm listening on headphones, and both tunes sound a little light in the lower end...I can hear the bass, but I'm not feeling it like I should.

Man, this is really really good. You can send your review check to me at:

1209 Walden,
Hewitt, TX 76643

Thanks for the feedback. There is synthbass and string bass on WAR. I'm slapping string, and pounding synth. Neither are programmed. My partner is singing. Here is the trick to the "air" vocals,

Double the vocal track, pan one to left, one to right. Delay the right track by 30ms. Add a 400ms echo, and 1790ms reverb to both tracks.

How about I ship you a CD instead of a check after the final mix?

Guys, thanks again for all the contructive feedback. I'm going to make all the changes suggested. I'm just relieved they don't suck.
"war" was very much over EQ' a loooong shot. Made it extremely hard to listen to. The music seemed fine, the recording was very harsh.
'what your dream' I was going to say... better eq on this one....but this one is waaaay too bassy when the song kicks in. You need a good monitoring setup, or listen on some other systems. The vocals are waaay too low also. You EQ is so out to lunch, it makes the recordings undesirable to listen least to me.
Well all the tunes are good. I like war the best I think but Dreams and Regret are also both nice. But you're mixes are very harsh and almost hissy sounding. i think Mix might have hit sounds like you must not have a good monitoring system. You need to tame those high-mids a bunch....probably anywhere from2k to 3k on everything but he guitars especially.
very nice songs though....well worth putting some time into getting the mix right.
Hey Bro!

Personally I like the extreme panned drum. Nice style in an other sterilized world. I agree your mixes seem (o_O). What are you recording to? What kind of Equipment ya got? I loved war and what you dream, keep up the good work!

Oh and dont worry if noone posts right away, give people at least a day to listen, not everyone is in the same time zone bro :D
I must say, I'm really impressed. The funny snare pans and placement does concern me but I like what the drums are doing. Nice snare sound.

Good songs too. I'd spend some more time on the mix as I think it'd be well worth it.

Try sorting out the frequencies as well as I can hear a lot of clashing there.

It also sounds like you've tried to denoise some of the tracks but that could also be the mp3 quality.

Lovely job!

I listened to Regret and really liked the vibe and song construction - well crafted.

I'm unable to comment on the mix since I listen at work at very low volume on shitty computer speakers, therefore anything I say would be suspect.