No Pci express slot on Imac Help


New member
Hi well I got my imac around a month ago, so I was checking on interfaces and converters and I was considering to get Apogee Symphony and today I realize it is connected via Pci-e which I think only Mac Pro's has this kind of slots.
I am kinda disappointed :(
Anyone has a good solution/alternative ??
Good interfaces, converters? (At the same quality level)
iMacs have usb and firewire connectors and there are plenty of high-quality interfaces for them (including Apogee products).

Dont be disappointed when you bought the computer.
Ya gotta work with what 'ya got and an iMac is no tower.

(BTW: Thats what I'm moving to next but I know my firewire interface will work just fine with it...)
There are about a million USB and Firewire interfaces that are totally awesome... Read the sticky thread on multitrack recording
Okay I will... In fact yesterday I received some feedback in an apogee video on utube telling me the new release will let me plug the symphony to my Imac via usb having 16 tracks.
I am just thinking about all going through usb may affect quality. I guess Ill have to wait and see.
the port type doesn't effect quality, unless it's limited to 41k,or 48k or something, but i doubt that.

with pcie/firewire/usb, the only difference worth noting is the possible rate of transfer, but even then, the wouldn't make an 8 channel usb interface if it wasn't going to work :)
I am just thinking about all going through usb may affect quality. I guess Ill have to wait and see.

You don't have to wait - I can tell you now. Steenamaroo is correct - USB does not affect quality - I have a 16 track USB 2 interface, works fine.