No DAWs Allowed

I'd like to think you recorded it in the middle of the night in the empty film department. In my mind there's a misanthropic janitor who reluctantly let you three young punks in to the building after hours. He scratches his head and mutters "it's not what I'd call music" as your long jam reverberates through the corridors...

Ha... It wasn't quite like that but that's a great image.. so I think from now on that's exactly what happened. Thanks Rob! :D
No '4 track' stuff for me. I used a stereo boombox with built-in mics and the stereo cassette deck in my stereo system to layer tracks. :facepalm: You're not gonna hear them!
Ha... It wasn't quite like that but that's a great image.. so I think from now on that's exactly what happened. Thanks Rob! :D

Heh heh, I knew that's what it was like. Thanks for confirming.

Last time we had this discussion, I posted this one up:

Unfortunately the ridiculously loud bass at the end was permanently printed onto the track when I bounced the four tracks I had onto two tracks to free up the other two.

I had a dig around on my old four track this morning and found a couple that were even earlier that I'd forgotten about. It's fair to say that they're a step down even from this by comparison - if I can get them transferred from my machine later, I'll stick them up. They are proper dirty laundry :laughings:
@robgreen ...... nice .... guitar sounds pretty good ..... voice sound nice ...... good performace really .... if the vox was up more this'd be perfect.

Alritey ..... here's one from an album I did around '86 while in the throes of love-denied ...... :D .... all my own originals.

All done on a single 3340 4-track reel to reel and all pings are done within the one machine and then finally mixed to cassette.
I think this is probably 6th generation ( a concept that disappeared with digital) so I'm kinda proud of how semi-quiet it is.

There are 4 horns/2 guitars/bass/keyboards/vox/drumbs.
Drums are done with a Drum Drop record (Vinyl records with drum tracks .... before decent sounding drum machines).

I'm playing everything so it's one track at a time.


  • midnite dream.mp3
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This is the 2nd song I recorded to yamaha MT100 4 track in about '87.
The sax solo was done in the shower recess of the bathroom as was the vocal (Terry had to stop singing & pick up the sax then play on).
I did mix this one is a daw - sorry - I uploaded the tracks, added the cymbals ( I did that to craete a wider stereo image) & did a basic mix.

That's really cool ray. It's pretty clear and focused sounding actually. I think maybe I've heard this before on your page, but not 100% sure.

The guitar & bass immediately reminded me of LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk is Playing at my House...have you heard that tune?

This one is fun - thanks.
Well, no 4 track and mix down here...a live mix direct to an old Ampex two track recorder.

'Twas my first job in audio at a small town TV station in Canada and the special guest at the local summer carnival was a known Canadian singer. This is from the traditional "and can you play us out" bit at the end of the show. As it was pretty much my first music recording (1972) I made a point of recording a copy.

Mic choice was tricky. We had 635As and SM61s so I used those. The "reverb" is the natural sound of the large brick walled reception where the show was done (because the single studio had to be rigged for the local news which came immediately after).

I'll only play a clip because I'm not entirely sure I was allowed to record this...

Well done. Clearly fails the "crap" test though.

The guitars have an almost phasey sound to that an effect, or...?

So, is that a Gordon Lightfoot cover? I don't recognize the tune, but the vocal sounds just like him.
Here you go, this one is for you heat. . 1987. Peavey/AMR 4track, Korg DW8000, Korg SuperDrums, Sure SM58. Pure pretentious new wave suck.

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@robgreen ...... nice .... guitar sounds pretty good ..... voice sound nice ...... good performace really .... if the vox was up more this'd be perfect.

Thanks Bob - I do think every now and again that I should re-do this tune from scratch.

I had a listen to yours and the Buzzard Song in particular is terrific. Love the whole feel and performance of it - apart from the background hiss, it's spot on :thumbs up:

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This is the 2nd song I recorded to yamaha MT100 4 track in about '87.
The sax solo was done in the shower recess of the bathroom as was the vocal (Terry had to stop singing & pick up the sax then play on).
I did mix this one is a daw - sorry - I uploaded the tracks, added the cymbals ( I did that to craete a wider stereo image) & did a basic mix.

I kept expecting this song to break into Cool For Cats ray. Cool new wave feel to it - Terry's voice is really suited to this style of music.
'Twas my first job in audio at a small town TV station in Canada and the special guest at the local summer carnival was a known Canadian singer. This is from the traditional "and can you play us out" bit at the end of the show. As it was pretty much my first music recording (1972) I made a point of recording a copy.

Definitely not in line with the "humble beginnings" theme, but it sounds great. I'm gonna tell Gordon you posted it- I hear he's a mean drunk.

OK, Truly embarrassing stuff.
This is Eric Drabwell and I with Mary-Anne Flood back in 1976 playing/singing into the built in autolimited mics of a National Panasonic portable cassette player - now, that was the Ant's pants back then as portable cassette players were usually flat simple mono things. this was a cool machine and recorded/played back instereo - Wow.
Eric's chords are pretty good but my lyrics and bass line were a bit 18 year old living away from home & drinking all his food moneyish.
We hadn't sussed out the 2 cassette players play back overlay trick at this stage.
Eric is playing an Ibanez Hummingbird 12 string, I'm playing a Coronet EB copy short scale bass back when round wounds were still king, through a Coronet 10watt guitar amp & MAF is just singing. Eric had to help as MAF lost the flow - she'd only had 1 run through before we pushed record.
Recorded live in Eric & my dormitory room in Newling House Armidale NSW.

Eric still has the guitar, the bass was stolen, the amp was returned to its owner rather the worse for having had a bass played through it and the Cassette player was thrown away just last year when it finally failed to play tapes or the radio - I was reluctant to toss it though.

Wow, cool recording Ray. I feel the mojo! I can see why the deck was tough to least you still have the recordings. One of the things I digitized yesterday was a boombox recording of one of my high school bands' practices. I'm debating whether to post it or not....besides the general looseness of the performances, the recording itself is pretty washed out from being duped a bunch, then stored for a couple decades. The biggest damage to this stuff is done just from the tapes sitting around for so long. I also found a tape of another high school band's live show that I'm afraid to listen to! I kinda regret waiting so long to do digitize all this stuff, but at least I'm doing it now. :o
Didn't faze me ......... I've had far more hits of acid than that!

Of the two I really liked Interstellar Overdrive ..... it really has the vibe and that guitar sound is really close to what was happening back then .. nice actually

Hmm...can't remember, but I'm pretty sure that ace tone was either a Squier strat or Aria Pro II into a ProCo Turbo Rat either direct into the Tascam, or into the Peavey 4-channel PA we found in the garbage and I occasionally used as a guitar amp! Ah, the old days! :p

very cool! the first 2 tracks sound really fucked up in a nice way :D
to vanquish a gost could be a soundtrack to a creepy film

Thanks man! I feel like our ideas and enthusiasm outweighed or skill and resources...but it was fun to do (if I recall correctly).
Heh heh, I knew that's what it was like. Thanks for confirming.

Last time we had this discussion, I posted this one up:

Unfortunately the ridiculously loud bass at the end was permanently printed onto the track when I bounced the four tracks I had onto two tracks to free up the other two.

I had a dig around on my old four track this morning and found a couple that were even earlier that I'd forgotten about. It's fair to say that they're a step down even from this by comparison - if I can get them transferred from my machine later, I'll stick them up. They are proper dirty laundry :laughings:

I really like that melodica part, if that is what it is :-)
@robgreen ...... nice .... guitar sounds pretty good ..... voice sound nice ...... good performace really .... if the vox was up more this'd be perfect.

Alritey ..... here's one from an album I did around '86 while in the throes of love-denied ...... :D .... all my own originals.

All done on a single 3340 4-track reel to reel and all pings are done within the one machine and then finally mixed to cassette.
I think this is probably 6th generation ( a concept that disappeared with digital) so I'm kinda proud of how semi-quiet it is.

There are 4 horns/2 guitars/bass/keyboards/vox/drumbs.
Drums are done with a Drum Drop record (Vinyl records with drum tracks .... before decent sounding drum machines).

I'm playing everything so it's one track at a time.

Drum Drop record...that's a new one on me, though I remember the jam tapes you could order from guitar magazines that had totally generic drum, bass, and rhythm guitar tracks you could wank over to your heart's content. They had 'em for different "genres"- hard rock, soft rock, heavy rock... Now about these songs of yours that are allegedly 4-tracked but sound totally pro... :cursing:
Yeah, this one had a lot of "pings", eh? Very dense...saxes sound super.
Last time we had this discussion, I posted this one up:

That is pretty cool rob. I've heard this before on your page, but it pales in comparison production-wise to more recent stuff. Really offers shades of things to come with the faraway vocals and the melancholy and whatnot. It's not a bad recording, but it's also a song that might benefit someday from your increased production abilities.
Here you go, this one is for you heat. . 1987. Peavey/AMR 4track, Korg DW8000, Korg SuperDrums, Sure SM58. Pure pretentious new wave suck.


Waaaah! It's not working! I click play on the embedded playa and the counter just sits there. I scrolled ahead and nothing.
Unfortunately the ridiculously loud bass at the end was permanently printed onto the track when I bounced the four tracks I had onto two tracks to free up the other two.

I had a dig around on my old four track this morning and found a couple that were even earlier that I'd forgotten about. It's fair to say that they're a step down even from this by comparison - if I can get them transferred from my machine later, I'll stick them up. They are proper dirty laundry :laughings:

The bass doesn't seem that overbearing to me. Pretty cool stuff Rob. This one has a kinda stark Leonard Cohenish quality while also sounding very much like an early robgreen recording! Interesting, I don't think I've heard you use this noticeable a reverb on your vocal tracks before- makes it sound kind of vintagey. Excited to hear your other, earlier stuff too- bring it on!
A few more from 1991-

Waltz of the Flowers-->Pinwheel
'Pinwheel' was a tune my friend Tom wrote, and we mangled Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers as an intro.
The Grind
One of mine.. vocals are pretty horrific. Not that they're any better now.
And another one of Tom's. Always thought this one was really nice.

The first two were from that same RISD recording, from the board into two tracks of the Porta 03, then we did copious overdubs at home.
'Sunshowers' was recorded separately at one of our places that year...I can't remember.
Wow. That waltz got really weird really fast!

My wife heard the intro, recognized it and seemed to enjoy it. Once the vocals kicked in, it got really strange. I mean, I enjoyed it, but how the hell did you guys write this stuff? I mean, was it written, or did you just have some themes worked out and then you improvised?

Is that you playing lead? I gotta be honest...I hate that tone. It's so 2 dimensional compared to what you got later on...sounds kinda DI. The playing is pretty awesome though. I could never do that kind of stuff.

Yup, that's a real toe-tapper!
Yeah the tone pretty much sucks. I think it was a Squier Strat -> Turbo Rat -> weird 4-channel Peavey PA we pulled out of the garbage. I didn't have an amp at all then. Briefly, the following year, I had a really shrill solid state Marshall head, but I ditched it quick and ended up buying a Fender Power Chorus...kind of the equivalent of a Fender Frontman these days...just a bland solid state combo, but still better than the PA head!
Well done. Clearly fails the "crap" test though.

The guitars have an almost phasey sound to that an effect, or...?

So, is that a Gordon Lightfoot cover? I don't recognize the tune, but the vocal sounds just like him.

That IS Lightfoot (hence my reticence to post very much) but an early, still doing the local appearances Lightfoot. This was Red Deer Alberta.

Yup, it is phasey. TV in those days was totally mono of course so I had to patch things all over the place to get pseudo stereo.. and I had no way of monitoring my "stereo" mix at the time, just the mono broadcast one. Still, at age 20 I was happy just to have voice centre and bass/guitar left and right. I didn't realise how crap it was until I saved up and bought a hifi for home almost a year later!