"Nice Paradise" - comments welcome


Hotrod Cadet
Hi all

This is my first new song for a while. It's called "Nice Paradise" and bizarrely, it's come out as a weird Glasgow version of country. :D


Anyway, I'd be very grateful for comments on any and all aspects: songwriting, performance, recording, production.

Please be honest - I want to learn how to get better, so don't be shy about giving me criticism!


Hi Alastair,

I love this; I really do. Great, toe-tapping, get-out-of your-seat stuff which has just enough humor to make it fly. Is this all you, or are others playing?
To me, perversely, it sounded like what maybe the Proclaimers would sound like doing country...
The opening sounds like in mid-edit; Start hard with the guitars and don't look back.
Since you pack so much into 2 mins and change, the only place I feel a lag of any kind is when you do the little bridge with vocals at around 1:50. I feel the drums need to start bringing up the speed in the last line, to get the 'train running' again.
Other than that, I'm keeping this one; I love old Rock'n Roll and old-school country, so you hit this one home with me.


Cosmic - thank you very much for taking the time to listen and post. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

It's all me, except the drums which are loops.

Proclaimers - one of my favourites, so thanks for that!

Opening - agreed. I'll fix it in the next mix.

Drums on the bridge - that's an EXCELLENT suggestion. I'll put in a wee fill on the last line before the train gets going again!



I look forward to the re-mix. One thought:
The 'Yee-hah' can stay or go? Not sure. I know it's ironic, but the song has that in spades already...just a thought. The sheer 'old-shool' country feel combined with the sharpness of the lyrics and music might be enough to drive home the angle of this by itself.
Would the Proclaimers put it in :-); maybe they would.
Anyway, picking nits here; will listen when the remake appears :-)


Hey Alistababa,

It's kind of strange are country influences something that is often found in music from around you? Well done as usual, where are these western influences coming from. The back vox add to the whole atmosphere.

Heh! i like your description "strange glasgow country". Hope everything is going well for you.
Hi Alastair!

Sounds good! Only one thing:
At 1:07 a shaker comes in with accents on 1 and 3. In my ears it disturbs the groove. If the accents were on 2 and 4 (like the snaredrum) it would "swing" much better I think.
This is cool. I love the song. Very unique.

The only comment I can make is to bring the bg vox up a bit.

The rest sounds great.

Nice work.
axeman69 said:
This is cool. I love the song. Very unique.

The only comment I can make is to bring the bg vox up a bit.

The rest sounds great.

Nice work.

I agree with the vocals needing a boost. Nice job. Is the bass real or computer?
Wow, great responses.

Cosmic - yee-hah - nah, I like it. It's staying! :)

Khompewtur - great to see you here. Glad you liked the tune.

I don't know where it came from - the only country album I own is Johnny Cash (American Recordings).

Hope all is well with your excellent record label. (If anyone hasn't already checked them out, you should)

danfancazy - thank you very much for posting, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. That's a good point about the shaker - I'll experiment with different feels.

axeman69 - thank you for your kind words. I'll bump up the BVs a wee bit for the next mix.

EdWonbass - thank you for taking the time to post. It's a real bass, DIed through my cheap Behringer mixer, and with no compression, just a wee bit of EQ to take of everything above about 4 kHz.


Version 2 is available at the same location. I've made numerous changes thanks to comments from folk here, and others. Still no Autotune or mix processing, though.

I'd be very grateful if anyone has the time to listen to the second mix. and let me know if it's better or worse than the first.

I think I might have over-done the drums a wee bit?



Excellent revision. The opening now starts crisply. The drum fill in the bridge is exactly right to my ears; it yanks the listener back up to speed.
I think this is it (for my taste, anyay); let's see what others feel.
To sum up for me: I think you have a kicking piece that is both great fun and which really rocks. The final touches just made it shine a bit more.

Good Work,

Nice improvement! I don't think the drums are too much, I rather like them as they are. Keep up the good work.
Cosmic, EdWonbass - Thank you both very much for taking the time to listen again. I'm glad you think it's an improvement.


alibish said:
Khompewtur - great to see you here. Glad you liked the tune.

I don't know where it came from - the only country album I own is Johnny Cash (American Recordings).

Hope all is well with your excellent record label. (If anyone hasn't already checked them out, you should)



Thanks Alastair, I thought your label was very cool as well. GO SCOTLAND! Hmmm.. if I ever make it out to Glasgow we'll have to meet up for a pint. :D
Final version (v4) done. More balancing, a little mix EQ, and gentle peak limiting.

Same location as before.

