nforce 2 mobo with ultra 400 and mcp chipset compatibility


New member
My soon to be old setup is this...

Athlon 1.2ghz
640mb sdram
Abit KT7
20 gb WD HD

Does anyone know of any conflicts running a mobo (Shuttle an35n-ultra - nforce 2) with these chipsets along with an Athlon 1800 ,100gb WD HD, Terratec DMX 6fire and Sonar? Or have any first hand experience with a similarly equipped mobo?
I'm hoping to get rid of the "VIA clicks, pops and crackles" by switching to this set up.
Not much info available on this Mobo though. But alot of people are using mobo's with the same chipsets (ultra400 and mcp) and I'm wondering what kind of results you're all getting.