next step up from Mackie vlz pre's for drums and vocals


New member
Mackie vlz mixer and pre's have served me well....but what's the next step up? need 4 channels, could get by with 3 for now, drum kit and vocal recording.....basically looking to record some decent quality demos...I just don't want to be stuck with some piece of junk that will be a doorstop in a year

Is there any real reason to upgrade unless you are willing to go $1000 and above....

here are some of the possibilities I'm aware of....

Maudio dmp3
Digi 002 rack (seems pretty good bang for the buck)
presonus digimax Lt

any others?
captainkey said:
Mackie vlz mixer and pre's have served me well....but what's the next step up? need 4 channels, could get by with 3 for now, drum kit and vocal recording.....basically looking to record some decent quality demos...I just don't want to be stuck with some piece of junk that will be a doorstop in a year

That's an easy one.
