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I just need help and advice

Im a beginner at this recording thing. I just want to record vocals(mainly like rapping off of beats and instrumeed vocals..Im use to using Adobe Audition 3 with my samson G-Track..What i have now is Protools 7.4(which i have no clue how to use) Mbox 2 mini, an sterling audio pf1 pop filter and a Sterling audio (ST51). Is there anything else I should add to my equipment like mixer etc to get a good decent sound? Not asking to get some Professional Pro Tools HD sound lol. Also is there any other DAW i can use beside Pro Tools
You have a mic, interface, & DAW. That's all you need (or at least the basics). You can use any DAW that you like. You don't have to use Protools. I use Cubase. Download Reaper for free and try it out.

BTW, welcome to the forums.:)
i use cubase as well but if you already invested in the mbox and software and all that you probably could go ahead and learn pro tools just for the sake of the fact that your interface is designed to run with it as far as your g track mic i would look into something that doesn't have the interface built in. you get more mic that way your software should be loaded with some plug in effects to get you started and that can get you a long way keep a tight grip on your wallet though dude i started with the same goal of knockin out some hip hop tracks and now i'm 25 grand into the damn hobby. good luck!
You got everything you need to get a good decent sound,

I´d recommend to get some decent Monitors, and read as much as you can about recording and mixing,
be open to try everything even if you doubt that it will sound good (it might sound great), play with you DAW (you can use any you like).

Remember you always got +Z or Ctrl+Z to save you life :p
some help

Pro Tools rocks. It is not that hard to learn, and it is the industry standard. Everyone has the ability to swap pro tools files. I write a blog that deals with pro tools and home recording. If you want to check it out, it is www.recordingweekly.blogspot.com , and I hope that it helps you. The book that I wrote about in the last post or two has helped me a lot!
I use pro tools le with an mbox, and get decent recordings in my apartment with a laptop and a cheap microphone. You will get there, and I wish you all the best!
My obligatory standard reply-for-newbies that I keep in Wordpad so this is just a paste (I don't want to re-type this all the time):

First off, immediately get a good beginner recording book (spend $20 before spending hundred$/thousand$) that shows you what you need to get started and how to hook everything up in your studio:
Home Recording for Musicians by Jeff Strong - $15
(Wish I'd had that when I started; would have saved me lots of money and time and grief)
You can also pick up this book in most any Borders or Barnes&Noble in the Music Books section!

Another good one is: Recording Guitar and Bass by Huw Price
(I got my copy at a place called Half-Price Books for $6!!)

And you can get a FREE subscription to TapeOp magazine at www.tapeop.com

Barnes&Noble or Borders are great places to start --- they have recording books and you can go get a snack or coffee and read them for FREE! Don't pass by a good recording book --- this is a VERY technical hobby and you REALLY want to start a reference library!!!

Good Newbie guides that also explains all the basics and have good tips:

21 Ways To Assemble a Recording Rig: http://www.tweakheadz.com/rigs.htm

Also Good Info: http://www.theprojectstudiohandbook.com/directory.htm

Other recording books: http://musicbooksplus.com/home-recording-c-31.html

Still using a built-in soundcard?? Unfortunately, those are made with less than $1 worth of chips for beeps, boops and light gaming (not to mention cheapness for the manufacturer) and NOT quality music production.
#1 Rule of Recording: You MUST replace the built-in soundcard.
Here's a good guide and tested suggestions: http://www.tweakheadz.com/soundcards_for_the_home_studio.htm

Plenty of software around to record for FREE to start out on:

Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net (multi-track with VST support)
Wavosaur: http://www.wavosaur.com/ (a stereo audio file editor with VST support)\
Kristal: http://www.kreatives.org/kristal/
Other freebies and shareware: www.hitsquad.com/smm

Another great option is REAPER at http://www.cockos.com/reaper/ (It's $50 but runs for free until you get guilty enough to pay for it...)
I use Reaper and highly reccomend it...

Music Notation and MIDI recording: Melody Assistant ($25) and Harmony Assistant ($80) have the power of $600 notation packages - http://myriad-online.com
Demo you can try on the website.

And you can go out to any Barnes&Noble or Borders and pick up "Computer Music" magazine - they have a full FREE studio suite in every issue's DVD, including sequencers, plugins and tons of audio samples. (November 2006 they gave away a full copy of SamplitudeV8SE worth $150, November 2007-on the racks Dec in the US- they gave away SamplitudeV9SE. It pays to watch 'em for giveaways...)