Newbie ?


New member
Okay, first timer here..hello all..I am in the midst of the initial stages of studio design...where ever I have looked so far, I do not see or find what folks do in the control room,with the multitude of cables that run between pieces of equipment.How do you keep them out of the way and still easy to get to?
Any help is welcome...
I will be running 8 or so from a "drum room" at one end of a 16x32 6 to 8 connections per side of a 4 sided "central station" in a "live room" not to mention pa and monitors and and 14 from a "vocal room"...these will be run in the wall back to the control room at the other I am running them in the wall I am allowing (I think ) for some flexibility....(stereo recording, amp miking,phnoes etc.)...but I am wondering what is a good way to deal with them once they come into the control room... cooker
The more cables I get, the greater my respect for velcro becomes. I buy it in rolls (craft dept. at Walmart) then cut it to lengths to suit my needs. It works great for bundling cables or tieing them up out of the way. Just remember to keep power cables seperate from instrument/mic cables.