

New member
Hi folks. I am so glad I've stumbled across this place. This is exactly the education I need at exactly the right time. Thanks.
I've been away from making music for quite a while and suddenly got the bug again in October. Now I can't seem to stop. I'm working on an instrumental album I'm trying to put together and would really appreciate any input any of you might be willing to offer to an absolute newbie. I've uploaded some of the cuts to I've never done any kind of mixing before, so I'll apologize in advance if this stuff hurts anybody's ears. Thanks gang. And thanks to those responsible for such a very cool forum.

Hey you have a bluegrass thing every now and then, eh...."Failed Diplomacy" was my favorite, followed by "Jungle Mission"....but all the songs need a better bass and drum sound.....really, it would make a lot of difference....the mixes are more than adequate, and you use panning well, but the overall feel could be really nice with better sounds....."Fast Sky: really had the bluegrass thingy, and the keyboard nylon string was pretty close...oh, cripes, I hope you don't write back that it was a real one, I'm just assuming...I'd like to know what all you used, though, anyway....

Great use of dissonance in "On A Distant Shore", likewise "Jungle Mission"....."I'm Coming Home" was sweet, but "A Letter Unsent" didn't happen for me somehow, I couldn't seem to connect with the timing.....

drums drums drums bass bass bass

You play keys great, by the way....gibs
I listened to failed diplomacy... Man I'd love to hear that one with authentical instruments... It's music like this I really think makes a difference.. Keep up that freaky song-writing :D
Gibs and Meshuggah: Lol. Your ears weren't deceiving you, that was an accoustic guitar played on the keyboard. I don't know where the bluegrass thing came from that day. Must have had way too much coffee or something. I tried it with banjo, but just liked it better with the guitar. My setup isn't the best and I record most everything into MIDI, either with a keyboard or guitar, on an 8500 mac where I can fiddle around with what instruments to play it back with. I've been mixing everything in Peak by layering on a track at a time, which I think is shmooshing out the bass and drums by the time all the other stuff is layed over it. I just downloaded Pro Tools lite which I hope will allow me to keep each track clean until final mixdown. I'd actually been feeling that the drums were tending to overpower everything in some of my earlier mixes, so I've been backing off on them lately. Maybe a little too much. I'll take your advice to heart, Gibs, and pick up both the drums and the bass. Thanks so much for taking a listen.

Failed Diplomacy and Jungle Mission were both kind of a new direction for me. I think I'll be doing a lot more along that line.