Newbie with an idea...?


New member
So I read through the rigs on tweakheadz, but I didn't quite find what I wanted. I want to build a rig that I can record in my eventual home studio, but also record live shows and practices. So here's what I came up with after doing some research. A Motu 896 mk3 and Motu 8pre chained optically and firewired to my laptop which will be running both the recording program and the digital mixer that comes with the Motu gear. Then I'll run the main outs on the 896 to a Xenyx 2442 running the main mix out to a power amp on to the monitors. One of the sub channels would run to another power amp on to the mains. the xenyx will only be there to split the signals and set up the monitor levels, but will actually be the first piece of gear that I buy. First off, will this even work? I know that there will be tons of chords running everywhere, but I plan on building a custom cabinet for everything to stay in pretty much permanently. I like that fact that I could run everything from the computer, and if I get crown xti power amps, I can pretty much run them from the computer as well. It seems like a terribly versatile rig, able to do recordings in a studio or live, and I would have the power to run sound at decent sized venues as well. but I could be wrong... what do you guys think?
You should consider a Tascam 2488 neo or something like will eliminate most of the cords...Ill often do live stuff and you can depend on the operating systems in these units much better than a laptop...that is the entire pourpose...most new ones will allow you to dump the data right into a computer and mix and edit there.
Korg D3200, Tascam Neo some of the Roland and Yamaha stand alones are outdated now but well up to the task and more affordable.
Have you looked at the Presonus Studio Live. I've never used one, but it's getting great reviews. It was built for all of the purposes you mentioned. I've been seriously looking at getting one.
Your idea will work.

However, you might like to consider an Allen & Heath Zed R16. This gives 16 channels out to your laptop via firewire, and makes a pretty handy live mixer.
It would replace the Motu units and the Xenyx mixer, and means your live mixing is independent of the laptop (which, if I was doing it, would make me feel more secure).
Your idea will work.

However, you might like to consider an Allen & Heath Zed R16. This gives 16 channels out to your laptop via firewire, and makes a pretty handy live mixer.
It would replace the Motu units and the Xenyx mixer, and means your live mixing is independent of the laptop (which, if I was doing it, would make me feel more secure).

I see what you're saying, but even though it would get rid of some hardware, it would increase my budget by over $1000. It is good to know that I'm on the right track though, thanks!