Newbie (sort of)


New member
I'm a newcomer to this forum though I've been home recording for awhile. Small occasionally gigging acoustic guitar / voice guy usually playing in a duo / small group setting.

I started with a 4-track 10-15 years ago, made a few albums of just me learning the ropes with just a mic and Cakewalk Guitar Tracks. Did one real album which a friend finished the mixing / mastering on.

Now with a new group and we're working on an EP and I'd like to do as much myself as possible.

Using the Lexicon Omega and the Cubase LE that came with it. Got a simple Behringer B-1 LDC and a sm57 that do most of my work.

Wandering aroudn the forums now, and hope to get a little at this craft.
welcome dude. funny i started with a b1 and a 57. I now use my b1 for kick and 57 for snare. People call this a craft, although i view it as an art...
Great to be here. There's plenty of art and craft in recording. Hopefully most of the art is upstream but I remember my favorite local blues band finally put out a CD and it stunk. Clearly to click track, pieced together. If any band should have been done live in the studio with 10 mics or less, it was them. Never forgot that.
So I wanted to post an mp3 to get some feedback, I've gotten > 5 posts but the board still says I can't post a there a time between creating an account and being able to put up an mp3?
That helps, the error message still says 5. I'm from St. Louis. Guitar player for 20+ years. My metal playing days are long past but I still listen to heavy stuff, and always pay attention to interesting players. My own music is Americana, songwriter type stuff. I'm in a duo, 2 acoustics 2 voices, I'm lead guitar, background voice, he's the opposite. I play some bass both live and on our recordings.

I play a Taylor acoustic and though I've gotten some reasonable tone, it's a longstanding struggle to get recorded acoustic sound that I'm truly happy with.
Is my guitar bigger than a breadbox??? It's an auditorium so however that compares.

There's 10 woo hoo.