Newbie PRE-AMP Question


New member
Hello all! I've read alot of stuff on the internet and just recently watched (3 times) The DVD "Secrets of The Pro's" for recording engineers and I am still confused on alot of things! I'm more of a hands on guy I guess and I dont learn very quickly.

The DVD focused on ALOT of things but the author really stressed the IMPORTANCE of a good Quality Pre-Amp. But he didn't explain it properly for a newbie to understand it, or the importance.

Me being a guitar player trying to get my own studio together I think of a Pre-Amp Differently. My Pre-Amp thoughts are:

ADA-MP2 - Guitar Pre-amp

QuadraverbGT -Guitar Pre-amp

Mesa Tri-Axis -Guitar Pre-amp

These types of devices require a Power Amp to run them. Why isn't the power amp called the preamp when you must have power first to run the "pre-amp" Unit?

Isn't "Pre" before "Post" ????

Anyone know why i'm confused? The DVD says to run shit through the "Pre-Amp" but wtf is he talking about?? he say'sa marchall is too fucking loud and will kill him so He plugs his guitar and bass into it and uses Pro-tools to "Simulate" a Marshall/Mesa etc with software..

I want to use my own Mesa Triple Recto etc..Mic it up.. and run it in..

Is there a difference between a "Mic Pre-Amp" and a normal "Pre-Amp"??
If I put a SM57 in front of a mesa triple recto cabinet and that goes to a mixing board and out of that into a adat HD24 recorder or computer do I still need the "Pre-Amp"

Is a "Pre-Amp" a power amp?? and why do they call it "Pre" Which usually means "Before" and "Post" Means After Right???


Help Please! :)
You have mic pre amps in your board. You don't need external ones.
The mic pre amp amplifies the mic signal (small) to line level (bigger) so it can interface with other line level devices.

Your guitar preamp does kind of the same thing. It brings the guitar signal (small) to line level (not the same line level) to drive the power amp.

The pre amp is what you plug the guitar into. The power amp is the big `100 watt monster that the cabinet is plugged into.