Newbie needs sampler


New member
I'm fairly new to the whole sampler deal but I've been playing with some software I downloaded for free and I like it but I want more. I would also like to have something I can actully feel and turn the knobs and press the buttons on. Something software can not simulate. I want to sample drum loops and other little noises and things, then have some effect to use. I don't think a need a big unit but I'll go with what you guys recomend. I've been looking at the SP-202 but that doesn't really have many effects, so I started looking a the SP-303 but that seems kind of exspenive for me at this point. I don't have alot of money and I don't want something thats hard to use. I alos thought about that Electra-tribe sampler but it always seemed toyish to me. Any advice is greatly appreicated.
sp-808ex. If your gonna get something along those lines get the 808. It's got all that, that you mentioned then some. And they can actually be had pretty cheap on ebay. Cheap that is compared to the $1200 I paid.
You think the SP-303 is too expensive but you find the Electribes "toyish"? Thats funny. :)

If you are lucky you can maybe find a second hand EMU ESI-32 or Akai S2000 or Yamaha A3000 for $200, but more likely you would have to pay $300-$400.

I think the most bang for the buck you can find on the second hand market now is a second hand Yamaha A3000 v2. It's not unusual to find them for $300.

That's not extremely cheap, but it's $100 less than a new SP-303, at least.
I didn't mean to make it sound like it was too exspensive. I just don't want to get something with more features than I'll use. The only reason I even thought about it was because it had the effects like Chorus/Reverb/Vinyl Simulator/Tape Echo and so on. The sp-808 that was recomended I feel would be a waste for to get. I play in a band thats just 3 acoustic guitars and we want to play some samples during our preformances. Like the Beta Band if anyone has ever heard of them. Oh, yeah that whole korg line seems toyish to me I'm not sure why though. Sorry.