Newbie needs help

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New member
I would like to make some YouTube videos featuring my vocal ability and I want good quality audio, but I don't know where to begin on the best way to capture the performance. It doesn't have to be studio-quality sound, but better than what the condenser mic on my HD camcorder is capable of. I have backing tracks of the music in WAV format and I want to put my voice to it as I video the performance. However, I'M A TOTAL NEWB AT RECORDING, so I pretty much need to be walked through the process step-by-step.

First, I need to know how to implement the two audio elements together. I would like to use Audicity home-recording software to record live vocals to a backing track. For hardware I have an Electro Voice N/D967 dynamic handheld microphone, and I run that to a TC Helicon VoiceLive2 vocal processor. I'm not sure if I can use the VL2 as an audio interface straight to my PC (via Creative Audigy2 soundcard), or if I need to purchase additional hardware...I'm waiting to hear back from someone on the TC Helicon forum for confirmation. I also have a Tascam DR-07mkII handheld digital recorder.

The third element of the project is capturing the performance on video. I'm using a Canon HG20 HD camcorder, which has an 3.5mm MIC terminal (if that helps). Is there a way to capture the audio straight to digital video using that input, or will I need to use post-production software to marry the video with the audio?

If anyone has done this, can you please tell me what I will need and the best way to set it up. My hardware budget is $300.

Any assistance is GREATLY appreciated.

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I would like to make some YouTube videos featuring my vocal ability and I want good quality audio, but I don't know where to begin on the best way to capture the performance. It doesn't have to be studio-quality sound, but better than what the condenser mic on my HD camcorder is capable of. I have backing tracks of the music in WAV format and I want to put my voice to it as I video the performance. However, I'M A TOTAL NEWB AT RECORDING, so I pretty much need to be walked through the process step-by-step. Seriously, I need it explained like I'm mildly retarded...or a female (just kidding, ladies).

First, I need to know how to implement the two audio elements together. What is the best (and most user-friendly) home-recording software to record live vocals to a backing track. For hardware I have an Electro Voice N/D967 dynamic handheld microphone, and I run that to a TC Helicon VoiceLive2 vocal processor. I'm not sure if I can use the VL2 as an audio interface straight to my PC (via Creative Audigy2 soundcard), or if I need to purchase additional hardware...I'm waiting to hear back from someone on the TC Helicon forum for confirmation. I also have a Tascam DR-07mkII handheld digital recorder.

The third element of the project is capturing the performance on video. I'm using a Canon HG20 HD camcorder, which has an 3.5mm MIC terminal (if that helps). Is there a way to capture the audio straight to digital video using that input, or will I need to use post-production software to marry the video with the audio?

If anyone has done this, can you please tell me what I will need and the best way to set it up. My hardware budget is $ budget is virtually unlimited (thanks to BitTorrent :thumbs up: ).

Any assistance is GREATLY appreciated.


Yep, you cannot promote nor get help here with any cracked/torrent software. Sorry man. You should take a step back and realize that those of us that are serious about recording, actually purchase our software. It is more expensive for us because of people like you who have no concept of what it takes to produce software.

I am really holding back right now because I am a moderator here.... My personal feeling tells me to ban you already, though you did not share torrent links or admit to have already stolen something. 'biting lip smiley'...

Try another forum because this one is not for you/us. Or at least do not come here and publicly post that you are willing to commit blatant theft. I personally will never help you.

Start thinking of how well your recordings will sound in prison. Big open spaces there! Good luck with background noises....

Have a nice day. :D

I have great respect for those of you who have made recording your passion and livelihood. My OP has been edited, if you can please forgive the lapse in judgement I would greatly appreciate some assistance.
LOL@ confusing a lack in judgment with a lack of ethics.

You should try GearSlutz. They love BT and cracks over there.
LOL@ confusing a lack in judgment with a lack of ethics.

You should try GearSlutz. They love BT and cracks over there.

Err? Can I say by way of clarification? My email is via the British company "BT" a now complete name but was once a contraction of British Telecom.
I mention this in case I slip in BT in the future and get castigated!

Dave. (with,. See?)
LOL@ confusing a lack in judgment with a lack of ethics.

Lack of Ethics before you get caught, Lack of Judgment after you get caught. Politicians do it all the time. :D

OP, there are many free or inexpensive software options available. Looks like you VoiceLive 2 thing can stream audio out through the USB interface. So, all you would need is software. You might get by using your video editor. You can probably buy Sony Vegas for under $100 and achieve what you want.
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