Newbie needs help!!!


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Hello, my name is dema, I'm a rapper, and i record my songs at home with my SM58...
But now i want to upgrade my equipment to make some demos..
All i need to know is what is missing in my equipment? I have a laptom (HO pavilion g series) a mixer (with preamp) a mic (SM58) and a room for recording my vocals, it doesn't create rvereb, I have much software (Adobe Audition, Sonar, StudioOne and Audacity), now I want to buy a Rode NT1-a ... now my question is, can i make a high quality demo with this equipment ??
An nt1a may suit your voice better, it may not, but I wouldn't say it's more professional or better sounding than a 58.
They're just different tools.

If anything, I'd rather use a 58 in a home environment, because they're much more forgiving.

Some of the biggest improvements to home environments are often room treatment, and the monitoring chain.
How's your setup?
What I don't see in your equipment list is an audio interface - the thing that converts the audio signal to digital. Are you currently plugging into your computer's microphone or line input?