Newbie needs a few pointers...


New member
Hey guys, I'm a newbie and I could use some help...

Just got done with my first recording project, which went well for a first effort, but I found that even with compression/limiting (Waves Ultramaximizer, Digidesign Maxim, etc) I couldn't get the tracks as loud as I wanted. I've been giving it a lot of thought, trying to figure out whether it was a recording problem, mixing problem, or whether my gear just doesn't have much headroom. Like I said I'm a newbie so this is all new territory to me. I'm using the following:

Digidesign Digi 001
Pro Tools LE
Mackie Mixer (1402 VLZ-Pro)
Cheap mics (57, 58s, an AT shotgun condenser, and some Sennheiser tom mics)

You can hear the tracks at:

I'd really appreciate your opinions (even if you can't help with the volume issue). Since it's my first effort, don't expect sonic bliss lol. But I could really use some pointers or at least a "You Suck"/"You're on the Right Track" message. Anyway thanks in advance, I appreciate any help you can throw my way.

Yo Rewt, welcome to the board! Getting gain without overloading any component in the signal chain, causing clipping, can be tough, and it requires a preamp with a lot of clean gain, especially with dynamic mics, which have lower output than condensers. Consider a preamp with more balls than a Mackie mixer, or condenser mics, or both.
Just a word to the wise, and I'll be kind to you due to your newb status. Crossposting the same message on multiple forums is very bad form, and some if the old timers here will get their panties in a twist and attempt to rip you a new one. Don't say you weren't warned.-Richie
ah, sorry about that. i'm a tool. won't happen again.

thanks for the tips, i was planning on getting good pres and a few condensers when the budget allows for it.. is there anything i can do to compensate with the gear i have?

again sorry for the goof with the multiple posts.. thanks for the advice

what's it called when someone post the same massage in 3 or more fourm sections?

i'm headed up the section list and expect more now, humm...

Take a look at my previous post. I said I was sorry. It was a mistake. Like I said, it won't happen again. I'm a first-timer here. No offense, but posting three messages to complain about it seems like the pot calling the kettle black.

It was a goof on my part.

Well, with the gear you have, you can boost the signal at the board, or in pro tools. Those are the only points in the signal chain where gain can be boosted. Try mic'ing the source in stereo, at least you'll have 2 channels of not loud enough, which equals more total volume, without cranking the Mackie to the point of distortion.-Richie
I've been 'round and 'round with this topic - so let me see if I can contribute anything.

The first question is whether or not you're getting good signals into Pro Tools. If you're able to get the levels a few dB below 0, that's not the problem.

I have an 002, and use its pre's for all my you should be able to get good level into the machine.

I've been experimenting with T-Racks (let the flaming begin) for a few months, and am quite pleased with the volume increase that I've noticed.

Short of buying T-Racks, make sure you're applying Maxim on the Master Fader - and don't be afraid to clip a little, if volume is what you're looking for.

Also, experiment with some compression on the master before may be able to squeeze some more there.

That having been said, pay attention to the next thirty posts, as they will explain to you why squashing the shit out of your mix is bad practice, and how removing all dynamics from your music is a shitty approach.

I can't say I disagree...but I'd be remiss if I didn't at least OFFER. :)
rewt_ said:

I'm a first-timer here. No offense, but posting three messages to complain about it seems like the pot calling the kettle black.


yeah, right, i posted twice, the thread above was a double post if you hadn't noticed, your not new to fourms imho, you just spew like you are...

you sure know how to whine for a newbie, which is BS, imho...
rewt_ said:

I'm a first-timer here. No offense, but posting three messages to complain about it seems like the pot calling the kettle black.


yeah, right, i posted twice, the thread above was a double post if you hadn't noticed, your not new to fourms imho, you just spew like you are...

you sure know how to whine for a newbie, which is BS, imho...