newbie mr8 demo song


New member
Any imput would be appreciated. I have had the MR8 for about a month and am learning alot. Bought a Behringer 1002 and started using software to edit music. This board has been a great help to me. Just reading all the questions and answers. Wow ain't the internet great?

I would appreciate anyone posting an opinion on this song. It is just a quick instrumental I did on my own with Keys, guitar, drum machine. Used the free Audacity to edit. I still have a lot to learn, but know I will figure it all out. Thanks in advance!


I am sure you would have all taken my work for being a newbie, without posting the same msg 3 times. Sorry.

Thanks for the kind words. I am happy with the progress so far. It was a long fade out. I used audacity and pasted a section to the end after the fade. I used a bunch of the effects from audacity, and though end is very weird I was amazed how I was able to affect the sound. Probably overdid it, but it was fun anyways.

I am in the Utica Rome area by the way.

Can't wait to get my next idea recorded!