Newbie mix


New member
Long time listener, first time caller...

I finally got my home studio set up and recorded a song so that I could get familiar with my setup and get some practice with mixing. This is my first shot at recording and mixing a song. Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)

The ride cymbal and hi-hat seem to be dragging in some places. The kick and snare drums are from Cubase's lm-7 drum module, and I played the ride, hi-hat, crash, and toms on a Yamaha Motif synth. In some spots, the ride and the snare/kick are not in perfect time.

I'm a bass player, not a guitar player, so please go easy on my bad guitar playing. :)

Equipment and software used:

Compaq Presario 2700 laptop
M-Audio Quattro USB sound interface
M-Audio SP5B monitors
Cubase VST 5.1
Steinberg Wavelab
T-Racks 24
Behringer 1604 mixer (no flames, please :)
Yamaha Motif 8 synth
Ibanez SA-160 guitar
Line6 Guitar POD 2.0
Warwick Corvette bass
Sansamp Bass Driver DI
Not bad.The song would flow a lot better if the ride was played in 1/4 notes instead of 1/8 notes.

The guitar playing is actually better than the Bass playing.:D

It gets a little repetitous after about a minute and a half.Needs a bridge or something to make it complete........the flange overkill on the guitar is kinda turning the mix into midrange mud too.....might wanna mix the whole song without the flange and then play it back and gradually bring the flange in to get the desired effect.Im guessin you built the song around the "flanged guitar" right?.

The drums/cymbals etc need to be played a little better.The timing is off in places as you already mentioned.

Not bad at all for a first go at it.If this truly is the first recording you've done then you'll catch on pretty quick.
P.s. You'll get a lot more replies if you listen to some of the other posters songs and comment.That way it doesnt look like you are a hit and run artist just wanting people to listen to your tune.

Hit and run posters dont get much attention around here and rightfully so.


Thanks for your feedback. I thought that my newbie status was preventing me from getting replies. As I'm just starting to learn how to record and mix, I do not yet feel that I can offer constructive feedback on other recordings. However, I have been listening to other's recordings and taking notes from the suggestions that are made. This was my first attempt at recording and mixing, and the ideas and tips that I got from this message board helped quite a bit. As I learn more and become more confident in my abilities, I will be happy to share knowledge and feedback with others.

You're right about the timing on the drums. The kick and snare were programmed in Cubase, and I manually played the ride and hi-hat on my synth. I have since reprogrammed the entire drum track (ride and hi-hat included) in Cubase and played it back via MIDI through my Yamaha Motif, which was then recorded to an audio track. As I receive more feedback, I'll do a remix and repost the MP3.

The song isn't yet complete. It started off as a jam, and eventually turned into something that can almost be called a song. I plan to add a bridge and some vocals soon.

It doesnt matter if you're a newbie.Just listen to some tunes and say whatever.It doesnt have to be technical stuff.Just post and get to know the other guys on the board.The more familiar they are with you the quicker they'll be to reply to your post.

If you like a song on the board just post and say "nice song" dont have to have a head full of recording knowledge to post your thoughts about a posters song.

I have over a 1000 posts and I still dont know what Im doing.:D
I kinda like the gtr sound...but it is a tad harsh/midrangy/tinny. but the effects, I like. All the way thru the whole probably not.

the drum timing sucks in many places. You really should correct such stuff before posting, cause we all know you can do better...right?

sounds like a good start to something... put a bass solo on it!! which, btw, I can't really hear:confused: a first attempt at recording...two thumbs up then!!
Not a bad starting point. Mix covered the main things.....can't hear the bass well....timing issues and such. I thought the guitar could have used a little less scooped-mids but that's a personal preference.
Could use a bit more kick drum too. All in all.....a decent first effort. You'll be doing some real cool stuff soon, I look forward to it.

BTW.....Kramer is don't have to know a lot....just make yourself known. I only have a certain amount of time available and I can't hear everything that gets posted although I try. So the first songs I listen to are the ones by the folks I know and I'm sure a lot of others are in the same boat.....timewise.
So let some people see your name on their songs and they'll be quicker to notice that you've posted something.

Welcome to the board!!!