Newbie feedback please

Okay, I happen to like banjo music (and, really, all sorts of Blue Grass), and I like this.

A couple of things I noticed: At first listen, it sounded like the banjo was lagging slightly behind the beat. Then I realized that you were "double picking" (I don't know what it's called) the strings for the melody line. To my ear, at least, the second pick was dominant which contributed to the feeling that the banjo was lagging. When I listened closely, I realized it wasn't -- it was just the particular technique you were using. Take it for what it's worth.

Also, is the instrument in the background a steel guitar played with a bottle slide? Whatever it is, I think it's fine for the well-placed accent, but it got a little tiresome all the way through. You've got the banjo playing both the melody line and rhythm, the bass playing bass, and the steel guitar playing accents. I think I would have liked to hear another instrument -- maybe a traditional guitar or mandolin -- providing the rhythm and a little more variation in the banjo lead to give it some build. Maybe a modulation the second time through?

Recording-wise, it sounds good to my ear, nice and clean.

Nitpicking aside, though, I liked it and look forward to hearing more.
Thanks PTravel,
The style of banjo picking is called frailing or clawhammer and it's really kind of meant to be the total accompaniment by itself. Melody and rythm. So I had to be careful not to clutter too much with other instruments. There is actually a ukulele in there playing in a similar style to what a mandolin would be doing but I mixed it to the back quite a bit because it kinda mimicks what the banjo is doing on the rythm strums.
Interesting observation about the slide playing maybe to repititious? Anyway thanks for the critique always wanting to learn and do better.
I agree about the slide in the background - it's a bit repetitive (although I like how it works in the song) - and just having it here and there would open up the banjo and simultaneously make the slide more influential in the song.

I also agree that there's not enough banjo on this forum, but that's all good. :)

And I prefer simple. It's not dull, and just the right length to get the point across. Good work!
I listened to the first song. The banjo sounds real good. Bass sounds decent too. A bit too clean for my tastes.

A couple of tempo issues here and there. There was one in the intro.

I'm hearing quite a few clicks that are probably on the vocal track. The vocal in the second verse was pretty buried. There some definite pitch problems in the first half of the song. The singer sounds like she's "trying to make it through the take" instead letting loose. You could get a better vocal take I think. The doubled vocal parts sound phasey.
First off, I effin' love Ukes, so it's all good.:D

That being said, the overall timbre of the ukes, banjos and the like are pretty boxy. I like to hear a bit of the head on a banjo...the mp3 sounds almost like it was an open back. If that's the case, that explains the duller timbre.
Performances were good all around. Love this stuff.