New VF160


New member
Just got a VF160 and need to transfer files from my VF80, anybody done this?
I know I could burn cd's with song data, but is there an easier, quicker way?
Thanks in advance.
Ehm, I really don't know if this will work, but you might be able to just hook up an optical cord from the output of the VF80 into the input of the VF160, and then play the VF80 while the VF160 is recording. If this doesnt work, the only way is to swap the files from removable media(scsi zip, scsi cdrom, adat via pc)

EDIT: Make sure you verify this method works(I have no idea, it's just a theory), optical cables are frigging expensive
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I don't think the VF80 has ADAT capability, so if you are going to use optical you can only do 2 tracks at one time. If you've recorded on say 16tracks, it will take 8 passes to record all tracks across (that is 8 plays of the song). Also, you would need to slave sync the VF160 to the VF80 using MIDI, so that the tracks line up.

It may be possible to use the SPDIF backup routine to automate this process, if you can find a way to line up the tracks.

Personally I'd go for rweiss's removable media solution, (unless you have the CD1A internal burner - this can be used in both the 80 and the 160, I think).

Anyway, once it's done you'll love the VF160

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Thanks for the help, it looks like I will be using the CD method,which I suspect will take hours, but I guess I should have been making back-ups
all along.
mrmope said:
Thanks for the help, it looks like I will be using the CD method,which I suspect will take hours, but I guess I should have been making back-ups
all along.

I shifted from a VF80 to a VF160... If you save your VF80 files as FDMS-3 files, they will import with settings onto the VF160, but sometimes weird things happen due to the fact that the VF160 has 2 effects chips vs the VF80's 1. Sometimes the VF160's compressor will be activated, and there are some other issues, but in general, this does work.

If you save the VF80 files as wav files (which I think is preferable), then import them as wav files, and you'll be OK to go. It's actually very easy. If you've already backed up for VF80 programs, just use these backup discs on the VF160. Just to reiterate, going via wav files won't save all your settings, but it won't create any weird issues either...

You're going to love the VF160...