New Tunes!!! Check em out!!!


New member

Sorry Ive been away for awhile. Im back and have added a couple new tunes. They are getting great reviews on Metal Methods. Give them a listen and give some feedback. They only take about 1 -3 minutes to download at 56k. Thanks


"In The Begining"


later, RockinRob
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25 views but....


I know some of you feel that downloading stuff from other people is just a waist of time...cause you really dont have the time , but ...what if that one time you said... sounds good or gave some real constuctive helped unfold a talent that , otherwise, would not have even been noticed.

everyone deserves critisim to help them grow.......

just alittle feedback would be nice... should i continue or keep the day job????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Sounds really great man even for the encoding only being at 64
I don't know what to say though because I don't know what you did. Write, record, play the whole thing? etc fill me in.

Glad to here a response. I have but one answere to all your questions..........................RockinRob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

too dramatic?????

hey, really glad to get a response. I write,record, and play everything that you hear. I went many years trying to do the band thing but other band members just didnt see what I was after. They mostly wanted to party and get layed. When they saw that there was no money in the way they persued it, they fell out...rather.... I dropped the lot of them. Now I do it the way it pleases me and I will always greatly accept any feedback because thats what keeps the fire burning..............................

later, RockinRob