new tune

this one's screaming for harmonies........

sounds great.........solid acoustic sound........great voice

nice real suggestions........other than harmonies;)
how do "new" tunes end up being number 6 in a list of 20 tunes you have!!??!!??!!

never figured that one and some other people..

nice bass end. Basically the first I've heard that hit me decent today in the clinic. Nice and full...and fits the song.

yeah...chick bg vocals... a rarity here in the clinic, eh??

a little 'room' verb for the vocals maybe?? or some that I can hear...but just a little.

this sounds more polished than other things I have heard from you.. more of a finished song feel VS a jam. Thought out ideas.

nice tune...even if you go "hehe hehe hehehh eeheheh" all day long!!!!!

ha ha haha ha!!!:rolleyes:
first off, i gotta address the song.....very good writing.....very sweet words for someone special?......

Id change the title to "A Different Light" because it explaings more of what the song is about......very trivial nit pick:D

arrangemt-wise, Id also like some background vocals (big lush ones)....maybe break up the drum pattern a bit in the different sections to add some variation.....maybe a string part here and there to fill in......

good job.....i likey.....

pw, I'm gonna buy me some bg singers. I agree 100%. Thanks.

mixmkr, he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he, seriously though, could be the percussion. But yeah, I felt this tune was well thought out. Thanks. And I don't know why the tunz fall like they do when you download them to NWR. Does anyone know how to shuffle them around?

Gidge, thanks, and I hate titling tunz. Your title sounds much better. Drums, shit. Don't have much experience with this part, yet, but I'm working on it.

Toki987, thanks. I felt it.

thanks all, for the listen and comments.

just in case anyone is interested: guitar miked with a v67 towards the big end, 603s on the 12th fret, both going thru a blue tube (track 1 & 2). Percussion direct in from a casio keyboard (track 4). These tracks bounced to track 7 & 8. Guitar, using same mics except reversed (track 1 & 2 again). Vocals on track 3 thru the v67 and blue tube, and bass on track 4 (from my zoom rt123). All sent direct to cd with small amounts of tweaking e.q., some panning, and a little tiny bit of compression on the vocal track. One of the first thought out paths I've used to track a tune. Usually, it's plug and play. And I agree with mixmkr, on this being a more finished sounding tune. And it was fun. But I still like plugging and playing. he he he he he he he he he he he he he

DT to Dah B!!!!!!! You can crank em out man!! your one creative moe foe!!! This song is great, you can't write a loser my friend!!! thank's for posting your chain, it's great to know what your using, so when i finally get some dough i can cut my option's! You can definitely use your equiptment!!
(musical equiptment, that is!!):D

Thank's Dan!!!!!!!!!


Have I heard this before? I could swear that lyric is very familiar.

Anyhoo, those gits sound great, the song is perfect. Your vocal fits for know you don't have the most forceful voice in the world, and I guess if there's a weak spot in the tune, it'd be that it drops out from time to time on the low notes.

Anyway, your shit just sounds good to me.

Take care,
Great tune.....I love the acoustic sound...sounds real natural. My only two cwnts worht is I would have liked to hear the acuistic guitar solo a wee-tad blended a l ittle too much with the pickin' IMO.

What the hell..sounds great as is....I just don't feel right unless I can nitpick.

But strings (cello maybe)....would sound sweeeeet.
fenderick, hope you's feeling better my friend. and thanks for the comments. I need you drumming this one.

chris, I'm sure it sounds like my other tunz. when you only know 3 chords, they all start to sound the same. and vocalizing. man it's tough, having never been required to sing other than some back-up from time to time. always had to do the playing, which always seemed to keep me busy. but it's great fun. wish I had thought of it a long time ago. he he he he he he he he he he he

HH, yeah, I was a little weak there on that little solo (solo you couldn't hear it) he he he he he. I'm gonna really check out them "strings" every one is talking about. How many do you think I need? he he he he. I bet there's some on that casio somewhere.

Thanks all of you folks, for the listen and comments.

Nice tune, the guitars sound excellent! I agree with an earlier post, the solo could have been a bit louder. sweet fade out to.
wolf831, thanks friend, had to do the fade thing. I fucked up the ending sooooooooooooooooooooo bad.

Warm. Nice arpay g.o. es. The first "No-o-w..." sounds "funky", but not in the James Brown way :D (sure you know that).

Ah... this is the shiznit that makes me pick up my p.o.s. acoustic and start pickin (and grinnin). Very nice song. Great rhythm. Reminds us all that we belong to the Earth below our feet. "Real" sounding.

Agreed on the harmonies in the b.g. Why not get some collaborators (those w/voices) to bang some out?

As jamal says.... "niiiice".

I really like the guitars. Very mellow and soothing. I was hooked right from the beginning because of the beautiful sound :)

Very folksy kind of vocals. Honest sounding.

Gets pretty hypnotic as it goes along.

Are you just fingerpicking a few chords repeatedly? Its amazing what can be done with simple things like that.

I also think it would be interesting to hear with more vocals mixed in, but it might be better solo. It'd be interesting to hear.

Thanks for the song :)

c, thanks. I still plug in from time to time and try and blow my 30watt speaker. But the sound of the acoustic in the phones when tracking, makes me all warm in my private area. he he he

Waldo, thanks man. I new that. Not.

adams, no fingers, I use a pick. And it's a combo of very nice Martin guitar, decent mics running hot, and minimum tweaking, and half-assed playing. he he he he. and if you didn't read above, guitar is double miked twice, which I think gives you the hypnotic sound you hear. And I agree with the vocals. So go ahead and start singging. I'll hit the button. Thanks man, for the listen and comments.

Wow...this is beautiful man! What a great voice you have. And it blends terrificly with the guitar, which also sounds great. No complaints. Maybe some different percussion...not full drums, but something more real sounding, but still gently like this. And I think it mostly needs harmonies towards the very end, where you start to repeat the chorus more frequently.

Sounds really nice, man. Love your voice!

nice Sunday morning dtb tunez.. good mix for the most part.. Yeah harmonies would be cool.. (they can usually help out most songs) Your voice has a soothing quality to it..

as far as nits, the vocals seemed a bit dynamic in spots.. not always, but a few spots they jumped out.. also, I heard a few bass notes that didn't agree with me..

good tune, and the mix is pretty close!